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Home Tags Women’s Voices. Women Vote

Tag: Women’s Voices. Women Vote

Colorado election snafu roundup: Are we ready for Nov. 4?

It's not just you. Colorado is looking a bit iffy these days in terms of election preparedness. And with less than three weeks to go until November 4th, things just keep getting stickier. But wading through the constantly breaking election muck can be a less than savory experience. So please, put away your wellies and let the Colorado Independent guide you. Each Friday until Election Day, we'll publish a roundup of the week's big news related to election bungles around the state. If you've got news or opinions to share, please add them in the comments section below. After all, we're not as scientific as, say, Colorado's new electronic voting machines. Read on for the roundup:

Survey shows unmarried women prefer Obama

Single women have long been a tough group for political hopefuls. They tend to turn out for Democrats, but that's assuming they turn out at all. Their married counterparts are more apt to show up at the polls, even though single women have graver economic concerns. But that may be changing, according to a study (pdf) commissioned by Women's Voices. Women Vote Action Fund, a Washington, D.C.-based organization devoted to shoring up the female vote.