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Tag: White House

White House moving away from ‘war on drugs’

Quietly, free of headlines and fanfare, the Obama White House is toning down the bellicose “war-on-drugs” position that has defined U.S. narcotics policy for the last 25 years. In Vienna last week for the 53rd annual United Nations meeting on global drug policy, administration officials shifted from attacking drug use as a crime to be penalized and moved toward a strategy of tackling addiction as an illness to be treated, a number of health and human rights advocates who attended the event said.

The economic case for health reform, Part II

In June, the White House issued a report making the case that health reform — well beyond a moral and social imperative — is...

Mukasey’s Moral Ambiguity Fuels Torture

As U.S. Attorney General-designate Michael Mukasey plays dumb on what constitutes torture, the lessons of Lewis Welshofer Jr. grow fuzzier. By now most Americans probably...