The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Water
Forgotten: Did the State of Colorado Leave Residents with Bad Water?
Gas drilling arrived in southern Colorado's Raton Basin in the late 1990s, and along with it came heavy traffic, noise and what many locals say is...
New Forest Service policy leaves control of water rights to ski...
In 2011, the U.S. Forest Service issued a controversial water rights directive that would have required ski areas operating under a special use permit on public land to transfer their water rights to the federal government.
Wiretap: Michigan played ‘political football’ in Flint water crisis
Public emails
In yet another email problem, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder made public 274 pages of emails about the water crisis in Flint. They show...
Make a splash: Comment on Colorado’s water plan – by Thursday
Attention Colorado: We may disagree on many things in this square state. But we can all agree that we need — and love —...
Watch: “What’s the Plan?” featuring Colorado Water Conservation Board director James...
Under Gov. John Hickenlooper’s executive order, Colorado Water Conservation Board director James Eklund and his staff are tasked with putting together Colorado’s first-ever statewide water plan by...
Colorado’s beer industry hops into water politics
Coloradans are fond of saying, “Whiskey’s for drinking, water’s for fighting,” to evoke just how hot-headed the debate over water politics can become. But that statement...
Scoring Colorado lawmakers on conservation
Legalizing rain barrels. Incentivizing energy efficient construction. Supporting solar gardens. Opposing state control of public lands. Defending renewable energy mandates. These were just a few of the priorities last session for local environmental protection group Conservation Colorado, which has now released a scorecard evaluating state lawmakers.
Wiretap: EPA: Fracking doesn’t poison all the water…yet
Big gulp
The long-awaited EPA report on fracking says that it has not had any widespread effect on the nation's drinking water. But it doesn't...
Conservation groups go after Hickenlooper for water bill veto
“This bill was the result of thousands of hours of coalition work over several years. The governor expressed support and then seemingly out of nowhere he turned around and vetoed it.”
Amazon tax and back to the future cars
notes from the last few days of the 2014 legislative session.