The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: voter fraud
House passes budget; Senate passes recall election reform and voter fraud...
Notes from the 80th day of the 2014 legislative session
Election-year push for election-law timeout likely doomed
Colorado's election reform law needs tuning up. A plan to put it on blocks for two years made by GOP candidates in tough election races this year is probably not going to fly.
El Paso Clerk forwarded Vander Veen vote fraud complaint for investigation
The El Paso County Clerk's office has confirmed that it forwarded a complaint to investigative authorities that alleges former staffer Alissa Vander Veen committed voter fraud in the state senate recall election the county held this summer.
No violation: JeffCo ‘duplicate ballot’ was a Delta County special election...
In its internet afterlife, the mystery ballot was held up as evidence that recent electoral reforms were opening the state to fraud. In fact, it demonstrated the system is working as well as it ever has done, and maybe better.
JeffCO duplicate-ballot story likely just a misunderstanding
Jon Keyser reported receiving two ballots in the mail last week. He tweeted photos of them and suggested the state's election system was unreliable. Unfortunately, he shredded one of them, so there's no way to gauge whether the system failed or not.
Gessler on Caldara vote fraud: Meh, he did a public service
Voter-fraud hawk Scott Gessler, the secretary of state who has spent years looking (fruitlessly) under every Colorado rock for a fraudulent voter, has finally found one.
Wisconsin’s Walker echoes Colorado’s Gessler on voter fraud
In the last two years, Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler has made voter fraud prevention a top priority. His efforts have included working to stop county clerks from sending absentee ballots to inactive voters, lobbying for a controversial voter ID law and leading an unprecedented effort to determine whether non-citizens are voting in the state.
Voter ID laws keep citizens from voting
Ruthelle Frank, an 84-year-old resident of a small town in Wisconsin, is suing her home state because, for the first time in her adult life, she might not be able to vote. In 2011, Wisconsin’s Republican-led Legislature enacted a new law that requires state-issued photo identification for all voters. Because Frank cannot drive, she has never held a license. Last November, Frank’s daughter drove her to their local Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a photo ID.
Colorado joins 2012 national voter ID war
DENVER-- Republicans and Democrats skirmished Wednesday over voter ID requirements, taking up a battle waging in capitols around the country and rehashing arguments that have been set against each other here every year for nearly a decade. The bill, HB 1111, passed in a party line vote in the Republican-controlled House State Affairs committee but is sure to be killed later on a party-line vote in a Democrat-controlled Senate committee.
DNC launches voting rights effort
The Democratic National Committee launched an online campaign last week to educate voters about what the group calls efforts that aim “to restrict voting purely for partisan gain.”