The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Trési Houpt
McInnis Lincoln Day dinner appearance trains light on GarCo commissioner race
Happy coincidence or strategic tipping of his campaign hand? That’s what Garfield County Democrats must be wondering after the “surprise” appearance of Republican gubernatorial...
GarCo board plays drilling-rules roulette; Houpt weighs run for Curry seat
Colorado oil and gas industry officials continue to fall back on new state drilling regulations to fend off more county or federal scrutiny, even...
GarCo commissioners vote 2-1 to oppose DeGette’s FRAC Act
A grass-roots citizen’s group troubled by air and water pollution from natural gas drilling in Garfield County expressed “extreme disappointment” Monday when the county commissioners voted 2-1 to oppose more federal oversight of the industry.
GarCo commissioners show resolve on drilling spill, but not yet on...
The Garfield County commissioners Monday did decide to fire off a strongly-worded resolution condemning contamination of drinking water by the natural-gas industry. It just...
GarCo commissioners delay FRAC Act decision after viewing anti-drilling film
GLENWOOD SPRINGS — Everyone was a film critic Monday at a somewhat tense screening of the new anti-gas-drilling documentary “Split Estate” for the Garfield County commissioners. Most of the reviews — surprisingly, even from the industry — were glowing.
Something suspect in the air: oil and gas air quality concerns...
In light of new evidence natural-gas drilling may be introducing elevated levels of the carcinogen benzene into the air around the Western Slope towns...
GarCo commissioners put off FRAC Act resolution
GLENWOOD SPRINGS — An expected showdown over support or rejection of the FRAC Act by one of Colorado’s most drilled counties fizzled a bit Monday when the Garfield County commissioners decided to delay any resolution on the federal hydraulic fracturing legislation until they see a movie on the topic and take more public input.
COGCC director: Unnecessary FRAC Act would spread staff too thin
DENVER — When it comes to the safety of hydraulic fracturing-- the “stimulating” of natural gas wells with high-pressure injections of water, sand and chemicals to free up more gas-- Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission director David Neslin argues the state has it covered.
Battle brews over gas regulations in Battlement Mesa
Battlement Mesa, a community of nearly 6,000 on Colorado’s Western Slope, is poised to live up to its name and become a legal battleground over the sticky issue of state versus local control over oil and gas drilling.
Feds accused of playing ‘Rulison Roulette’ by drilling near nuclear blast...
GLENWOOD SPRINGS -- Marion Wells lives about 10 miles from “ground zero” in Garfield County, the Project Rulison blast site where a 43-kiloton nuclear device was exploded nearly 8,500 feet underground in 1969 in an effort to free up commercially viable natural gas.