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Tag: Tom Wiens

Senate candidate Wiens drops out of race, endorses Buck

Rancher, entrepreneur and now-former U.S. Senate candidate Tom Wiens is no Sarah Palin, but Palin in Denver Saturday didn't endorse anybody in Colorado's U.S....

Undaunted, Romanoff campaign plows into election summer season

COLORADO SPRINGS-- U.S. Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff, Colorado’s former speaker of the house, a popular political figure by almost any measure, won the Democratic Party county assemblies by 16 points last month and polls well against GOP challengers Ken Buck, Tom Wiens and Jane Norton. Yet his primary campaign against appointed Senator Michael Bennet has floundered, leading observers to continue to ask why he's running and to search his campaign literature, his speeches and his face for motive.

Wiens signs Club for Growth health reform repeal pledge

Even as the most fiery of the health reform rhetoric cools, mostly self-financed Colorado GOP U.S. Senate candidate Tom Wiens is making his signed...

GOP Senate candidates Norton and Buck social-network for cash

It's the last day of the fundraising quarter and Colorado candidates are looking to boost their totals in part by sending web surfers to...

Repeal pledge latest Republican litmus test

Top Colorado Republican candidates running for seats in Washington have all pledged to repeal health care reform, even though practical chances of repeal are thin and the bill is growing more popular by the day. Senate candidates Ken Buck, Tom Wiens and Jane Norton have vowed to work to repeal, as has state Rep. Cory Gardner, who is running for Democrat Betsy Markey's Congressional seat. With the Tea Party activists rallied relentlessly around opposition to the bill over the course of the last 12 months, there is little room to give up the health care fight for candidates on the right in tight races, no matter how impractical.

Caucus Night Colorado

Tonight is Caucus night in Colorado. Thousands of political junkies and activists will turn out to elect delegates to represent candidates at the party state assemblies in May.

Norton dipping deep into war chest to fend off primary challengers

The National Journal reports today that Jane Norton has already spent $243,000 on TV ads and that a lot of that has been spent...

Buck and Maes win Tea Party candidate forum straw poll

On Saturday at a South Denver Tea Party-hosted candidate forum, Republican candidates looking to reverse sweeping losses over the past series of elections took turns railing against government and business as usual in Washington and in Denver. Reflecting GOP campaigns across the country, they proposed sweeping cuts to programs, warned of the rise of socialism and ruminated on the greatest threats to national security. U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck and gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes won in straw polling over respective frontrunners Jane Norton and Scott McInnis.

Hammered for support of Ref C, Norton still not talking to...

The Denver Post reports today that GOP U.S. Senate candidate Jane Norton is being hammered in campaign ads for her support of Referendum C...

Wiens: Norton boosted mainly by confused name recognition

U.S. Senate hopeful Tom Wiens told Politico that GOP rival Jane Norton is doing well in polls here mostly just because there are so...