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Tag: Thad Cochran

Wiretap: The return of the ’47 percent’

On the right, they never really went away. In a video from 2010, GOP candidate for governor Bob Beauprez says nearly half of Americans are "perfectly happy that someone else is paying the bill."

Wiretap: Of course you need a warrant

So you thought the Supremes were bunch of out-of-touch old people who don't know from smart phones. Maybe. But they know about cops and smart phones and the Fourth Amendment.

Wiretap: Mississippi GOP-Tea Party showdown headed for overtime

The "struggle for control of the Republican party," a long-running favorite politics media narrative, was the winner of yesterday's Republican U.S. Senate primary race in Mississippi.

Udall joins Senate group seeking to guard net neutrality from budget...

No one loved the internet rules written by the Federal Communications Commission last year that sought to safeguard the free-flowing egalitarian quality of the internet, where communication-industry giants don't get to decide which information streams to users and at what speed. One side thought the rules were overreaching socialism and the other thought they were riven with the kind of loopholes corporate interests could wiggle through when it came time to assert control. In the spring, Republicans in the House opposed to the rules voted to strip the FCC of the cash it would need to enforce the rules. On Wednesday, a small band of senators, including Colorado's Mark Udall, sent a letter to Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) objecting to the House action and asking the committee to strip out the budget amendment that would hold back the FCC funds.