The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: tea party
Littwin: Beat up, but still more blue dog than tea party...
At this point, it's entirely fair to ask whether purplish-blue Colorado is set for a makeover.
Wiretap: Oklahoma can do it. Colorado can’t.
The Koch think tanks, with no irony, say throwing money at education doesn't work. Well, in reddest of red states Oklahoma, they've thrown a lot of money at kindergarten and preschool and home visits before preschool and it seems to be working.
Wiretap: Republicans not drinking the tea
Elections, elections, elections. What else is there to say? Plenty. That's why we're leading with election stories from Virginia, New Jersey and New York City.
Wiretap: Doubling down
In Double Down, the authors of Game Change take on the 2012 election and tell the story of how Obama recovered (barely) from his Denver debate disaster. It's not as much fun as their take on Sarah Palin in 2008, but it's a good read.
Lamborn draws early campaign fire for ‘suicide caucus’ votes
Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn was one of the House Republicans who spearheaded the move to threaten a government shutdown unless the Senate and President Obama agreed to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. The plan didn't work.
We hate the Tea Party. Vote Tea Party in 2016!
In case you’re tempted to feel optimistic in a haze of post-shutdown good feeling, let me offer a few words of, well, discouragement.
Wiretap: Sound and fury and billions of dollars
The shutdown/default drama is finally at an end. And it ended just the way everyone figured it would.
Our final lesson: Chaos is the new normal
The budget crisis may be a huge loss for Republicans, but the suicide caucus didn't lose. A government shutdown, a default cliff-dance, dysfunction. What they wanted was chaos, and chaos is what they got.
It could all be over soon, until the next time
The crisis is nearly over - unless it isn't -- so it is time to ask ourselves what has been learned. My guess: Not much.
Wiretap: Nation’s bills piling up untouched on Boehner’s desk
Whatever happens on Capitol Hill to default or to avoid default, Charlie Cook says Congressional leaders of yore would be ashamed. Of course they would. Isn't everyone?