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Tag: Sunlight Foundation

In Colorado, Karl Rove (Gardner) beats Tom Steyer (Udall)

Before Citizens United, there would be no Senate race where two outside groups would account for nearly one out of every five dollars spent.

Report shines light on outrageous Senate race spending

The spending on the U.S. Senate race is even more outrageous than you think. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is borrowing cash to get to Election Day. Republicans love the dark money.

Chris Gates to head national watchdog group

  Chris Gates, former chairman of Colorado’s Democratic Party, has been named president of the Sunlight Foundation. The D.C.-based non-partisan, non-profit advocates for open government and...

Democrat takes fundraising lead in Colorado Springs

  IN the deeply red 5th congressional district, it’s Democratic challenger Irv Halter who has the fundraising edge over Republican incumbent Rep. Doug Lamborn. New FEC...

Mucho dinero pours into swing-state Colorado for TV ads

  OF the millions of dollars candidates, party committees and outside groups have spent on TV air time in Colorado, not one dime has been...

Greenhouse ap: Mouse over politician’s name, get the rundown on their...

How great if after a vote on legislation is reported or before a vote is cast, you could simply scroll over the names of the people in Congress, hover over one for a second, and find out all you need to know about his or her donors.

Denver TV station subject of political ad complaint

Complaints are filed over political ads against 11 TV stations, including Denver's KMGH.

Lamborn Spearheads Coal Industry Push to Mine Near Streams

Colorado U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn is pressing to lift restrictions that keep coal mining companies from conducting operations within 100 feet of streams.

Finance execs rule today’s mad world of political spending

Over the last 30 years, political contributions made by financial industry executives increased by 700 percent, according to new analysis by the watchdog Sunlight Foundation. Roughly 5,500 members of the finance, insurance, real estate sector gave $178.2 million to political committees and candidates during the 2010 election cycle, up from $15.4 million in the 1990 cycle.

DeGette, Polis ‘fracking’-disclosure camp up against big-money opponents in Congress

Colorado Democratic U.S. Reps Diana DeGette and Jared Polis are leading supporters of a move to force natural-gas drilling companies to disclose the chemicals they use to blast gas out of the ground in an increasingly controversial process called "fracking." The two lawmakers were joined Thursday by 46 members of Congress in sending a letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar asking him to back a proposal in which the Interior Department would require disclosure of all materials used in fracking operations conducted on public lands. The DeGette and Polis bloc faces strong opposition in Congress and, turns out, their main opponents are pulling down large donations from oil and gas companies.