The Colorado Independent,2020
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Putting numbers to a new school finance formula could prove challenging
A group of Colorado lawmakers spent Monday afternoon plugging numbers into a proposed new school finance formula, squinting at a projection of a computer...
A day in the life of Miss Wendy, a ‘foot soldier’...
The fourth-grader sitting across the table from Wendy McSwain was not in the mood for learning. As his small-group reading lesson began, he meowed...
Colorado schools gave out nearly 1,800 suspensions to young students with...
Getting sent home from school became a constant for Ben Wankel’s second-grade son last fall.
It started simply enough: The cafeteria was too noisy, his...
Judge: Douglas County schools must pay private school tuition for student...
A federal judge ruled Monday in favor of a Douglas County couple who’d sought reimbursement from the Douglas County School District for their son’s...