The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Steve King
Wiretap: The strange State of the Union
The economy has never been better in Barack Obama's two terms, and yet Obama's approval ratings for his handling of the economy have rarely been lower.
Small Protests at Coffman’s Aurora Office Draw Police
AURORA -- City police officers directed small groups of senior and youth protesters away from Congressman Mike Coffman's office here Thursday, issuing one trespassing citation, yelling out instructions to the clutch of citizens shuffled away from the building and unwittingly perhaps underlining the kind of occasionally halting and seemingly uninterested communication style the protesters believe is likely to disqualify Coffman from representing their interest in Washington after 2014.
Gessler Taps Auditor to Examine Spending at Heart of Ethics Complaint
Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler appears to have had himself audited. In a witness list he sent Tuesday to the parties involved in an investigation of his discretionary spending last year, Gessler included the name of accountant Kevin Collins.
Transcript: Obama shakes up stalled immigration policy
President Obama's announcement in the White House Rose Garden today that he was shifting U.S. immigration policy through executive order effective immediately brought howls from anti-illegal immigration Republicans, who suggested Obama was trampling the power of Congress to make laws. Iowa U.S. Rep. Steve King said he planned to sue the president. The transcript of the announcement released by the White House includes interruptions made by an attendee at the event determined to voice the view that Obama was "importing" immigrants who would take jobs from American citizens.
Colorado gun-rights bills shot down in Senate committee
Election-year gun-rights debate visited the capitol again Monday when the Senate Veteran and Military Affairs Committee considered two bills aimed at firming up citizen rights to use guns at the workplace for defense and in times of state-declared emergencies. After two hours or so of testimony, the bills were killed on party-line votes in the Democrat-controlled committee.
Coffman, Lamborn cosponsor bill to make English the official language of...
Colorado Republican Congressmen Mike Coffman (CD-6) and Doug Lamborn (CD-5) have joined a hundred of their colleagues this year in sponsoring a bill to make English the official language of the United States.
Jobs, jobs, jobs, say Colorado legislators
Ask any Colorado legislator what they hope to accomplish in the upcoming session and they will tell you they want to create jobs, or help businesses create jobs, or remove regulatory impediments to job creation, or improve access to capital.
Senate kills high-driving bill, cites fuzzy science
The Colorado Senate killed a bill that would have established a legal limit in Colorado to the amount of THC drivers can have in their system. Lawmakers on the right and left who voted against the bill felt they were attempting to make policy without adequate information. House Bill 1261, sponsored in the Senate by Grand Junction Republican Steve King, died 20 nays to 15 ayes.
THC DUI bill amended to require more study before a limit...
Marijuana DUI bill amended to require more study before a limit is set. Bill could be amended back on the floor, but for now a victory for those who think a per se level isn't needed.
Pinnacol spending bill may limit expenses even further
A bill designed to put a stop to lavish "business" trips taken by government entities, such as Pinnacol Assurance, was laid over Wednesday after Democratic senators proclaimed the bill still too lenient with taxpayer dollars. The bill was laid over in the Senate Judiciary Committee to determine support for an amendment.