The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Steve Bannon
Littwin: It’s time for Democrats to act like the opposition party
I hate to be a downer, but even when Donald Trump does the right thing, he does the wrong thing.
We must get used to...
Wiretap: Trump goes all in on Islamophobia, GOP forgets conservatives and...
Going all in
Donald Trump goes all in on Islamophobia by offering General Michael Flynn the job of National Security Adviser. It's the same General...
Littwin: Don’t worry. It’s gonna get worse.
We're a little more than a week into the Donald Trump pre-presidency, and things are shaping up pretty much as expected. Lots of chaos....
Wiretap: Steve Bannon, #NotMyPresident and the environment under Trump
Act Two
Trump's presidency will be just like his campaign. You don't need to read the tea leaves on Reince Priebus (Trump's nod to the...