The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Slot 2
Abortion foes mix vitriol with righteous ‘3/5ths of personhood’ abolitionism
Denver's March for Life rally at the state Capitol Thursday was as much a witness to an awkward family reunion of marriages of political convenience as a gathering to protest the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision.
Correction: State Rep. Amy Stephens was misidentified in the original publication of this story as having attended the rally. She did not. The Colorado Independent deeply regrets the error.
The triumph of blue patriotism
When Barack Obama took the stage at the We Are One concert at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, he signaled not only the arrival of a new administration to Washington but the arrival of a patriotism that looks new but isn’t. This patriotism’s founding document is the Declaration of the Independence. Abraham Lincoln, not George Washington, is the father of the nation, and Martin Luther King, not Ronald Reagan, is its greatest recent leader. This patriotism is not red, not white, but blue.
Abraham Lincoln: Myth and reality intertwined on Inaugural Day
As the nation awaits the inauguration of Barack Obama, the legacy of Lincoln is taking center stage. Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. sits down with the American News Project to discuss why, even after all these years, misconceptions remain about the 16th president and his views on race.
FEMA responds to beetle wildfire threat criticism
The Colorado Independent’s Jan. 9 article “Michael Brown, FEMA and the bark beetle: Talk about your looming disasters” identified the looming threat of a catastrophic wildfire in Colorado’s pine beetle-ravaged forests. Unfortunately, the article failed to recognize two important facts regarding the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) involvement in this important issue: 1) FEMA Region VIII, based in Denver, has been working collaboratively with local, state and federal partners to prepare for such a fire, 2) federal law prevents FEMA from using taxpayer money to simply clear beetle-ravaged forests.
The gas fracturing fracas: What we still need to know
It's turning into an epic battle of wills and words over a series of articles on evidence of water contamination by a gas drilling process known as hydraulic fracturing.
Instead of hashing out the complex pro-energy and pro-environmental positions on the issue, the Independence Institute's Dave Kopel, and Abrahm Lustgarten of the nonprofit investigative journalism outlet ProPublica have treated readers to pissing matches over what "anecdotal" means. Meanwhile, online commenters have tapped into their worst instincts — blaming the messenger.
What will I bid for the American Wild?
We've all seen those sitcoms or movies in which someone stumbles into an art auction and, not knowing how it works, idly scratches his nose or pulls his ear and finds himself the owner of a Rembrandt.
Better yet, there's one of my all-time favorite films, “North by Northwest.” Surrounded at an auction by the bad guys, Cary Grant makes outrageous bids and yells insults until the police arrive and unknowingly haul him off to safety. (“How do we know it’s not a fake?” he shouts about one painting. “It looks like a fake!” A woman sitting in front of him turns and replies, “You’re no fake. You’re a genuine idiot.”)
Ritter and U.S. Senate pick Bennet to make tracks across Colorado
Beginning today, Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter and his U.S. senator-select, Michael Bennet, begin what is likely to be their first round of trips across Colorado to introduce voters outside of Denver to the guy most of them have never heard of — and hey, it’s a pretty good opportunity for Ritter to follow his Thursday State of the State address with a reminder that he’ll be running for re-election next year.
Making ‘Duck Soup’ out of 2009
As 2008 ends and this New Year begins, with all its fledgling promise despite turmoil and crisis, it’s also that time when the media offers its lists of ten best or worst this and that of the previous year, an exercise that simultaneously entertains and infuriates.
Nine reasons not to trust Ken Salazar as secretary of the...
I am deeply troubled by many of the president-elect's choices for his Cabinet. We've got an anti-family-farm, pro-Monsanto guy going to Agriculture, an inexperienced Republican hack going to Transportation and now Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar to Interior. These are not the changes we need.