The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Severance Tax
Ritter: Tax Initiative May Be on 2008 Ballot
Gov. Bill Ritter had just given his recommendations for the 2008 state budget before lawmakers on the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) last week when...
Severance Tax Committee Grapples with Final Changes
The legislative severance tax committee members may have discovered that talking about problems with the state's severance tax revenue distribution is easier than deciding...
TABOR Still Haunts the State
Nothing has been scarier than working under the TABOR Amendment to meet the needs for human services, funding state highway improvements and subsidizing higher...
Severance Tax Change Could Make Colorado $10 Billion Dollars Richer
You decide -- $10 billion for Colorado's roads, education, healthcare and growth impacts or $10 billion for the energy industry's profit line? That's the...
Part II: Do Severance Tax Deductions Cost Taxpayers?
This is the second part of a series concerning the collection and expenditure of severance tax dollars derived from the value of oil and...
Part I: The Politics of the Oil and Gas Severance Tax
It was serious business at Tuesday's Colorado Legislative Council meeting of the "Interim Committee to Study the Allocation of Severance Tax and Federal Mineral...
Billions and Billions Needed to Mitigate Energy Impacts
Communities and counties across the state recently looked into their 20-year crystal ball and tallied proposed costs associated with the growth of oil and...
Gov. Ritter Asked to Form Severance Tax Committee
There has been a myriad of proposals to change the process to disbursement of state severance taxes and federal mineral lease funds in the...
Special Severance Tax Committee Proposed
Severance tax, tax derived from the extraction of minerals and oil and gas, has been one of the favorite sources of income for some...
Beetles Tax Mountain Communities
The scenic drive on I-70 from Denver to Vail has been marred by the browning of the national forests caused by the pine beetle...