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Tag: Sal Pace

GOP Pueblo candidate Tom Ready not sure Sandy Hook shootings happened

  Republican candidate for the Pueblo County Commission Tom Ready is a former Republican Party county chairman and member of the state Parks Board. He's...

Wiretap: Obamacare 1.0, gay marriage, Pueblo pot shops

The president gave a speech about Obamacare's much-worse-than-glitch problem. He said it was bad, but that things will improve once the IT team shows up. Feeling better?

Pace rips Tipton for fire prevention flip-flop

As partisan bickering grew heated Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Colo., under pressure from his Republican colleagues, changed his vote on a fire-prevention measure at the last minute.

Pace says Tipton refuses to debate

Colorado Third Congressional District Challenger Sal Pace issued a press release today, calling out Republican Congressman Scott Tipton for his apparent unwillingness to debate him.

In Colorado, congressional challengers are opening their personal wallets

Depending on how things go in Colorado's primaries June 26 and in the general election in November, this will either be the year that congressional challengers were able to buy their way into office or the year in which challengers spent millions of their own money only to say in the end that they gave it their best and lost anyway.

CD3 candidate Casida fires back at GOP establishment

It seems like only yesterday that then-GOP Chair Dick Wadhams was scrapping with both the party's nominee for governor Dan Maes and third-party candidate for the job Tom Tancredo.

Fed court ruling in DOMA case a victory for states’ rights

A unanimous federal appeals court ruling issued in Boston today found the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional in that it discriminates against same-sex couples. The ruling is a victory for the Obama administration and supporters of both gay rights and states' rights and a blow for the national anti-gay marriage movement and for Colorado Attorney General John Suthers, who filed a controversial and critics say confused amicus brief in the case last year in support of the embattled federal law.

VIDEO: Fox News focuses on potential layoffs in Colorado if wind...

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., went on Fox News today to once again advocate for the extension of the wind production tax credit.

Watchdog group rebukes Congressman Tipton over financial ties to oil, natural...

A campaign reform group skewered U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton on Thursday for continuing to rake in big bucks from special interest groups and voting for oil and gas projects that could financially benefit him.

Pace demands Tipton apologize for ‘feeling good’ about high unemployment, gas...

Sal Pace is calling for U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton to immediately apologize for his campaign manager's remark that “we feel good” about high unemployment, expensive gas and the nation's enormous debt.