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Tag: Ryan Call

Another Colorado ‘social welfare’ nonprofit just got fined for improperly playing...

  A state judge in Colorado has fined a nonprofit $23,000 for coordinating with local campaigns and not registering as a political committee. The fine...

In Colorado, unimpressive turnout for Trump

The Donald spoke to a near half-empty ballroom Friday during the keynote event of the Western Conservative Summit. While the audience at points cheered...

Darryl Glenn might be a US Senate rebel, but can he...

If you ask Democrats, or even some Republicans, the Colorado GOP last night handed Democrat Michael Bennet another term in the U.S. Senate by...

Darryl Glenn’s surprise win surprised everyone but Glenn

  COLORADO SPRINGS — Darryl Glenn's surprise winner-take-all victory Saturday at Colorado's GOP state convention shocked everyone but Darryl Glenn. “We expect to win,” he said Saturday...

This delegate race shows why Colorado Republicans matter right now

  Carolyn Olson is a fundraiser for a Denver-area political consulting firm, so she's used to helping other people get elected. These days, though, she's...

Ryan Call to CU students: GOP “missed opportunity” to reach young...

Only 100 handpicked students were granted tickets by the Republican Party to see the GOP debate in person at the Coors Event Center, but...

Littwin: Colorado Republicans won’t stand for success

Last November, as you may remember, Cory Gardner not only won a seat in the U.S. Senate, but in the process he also gifted...

Wiretap: Texas immigration politics lifeline likely to slip away from Capitol...

A Texas federal judge has caused a headache for Barack Obama and may have, at the same time, tossed a lifeline to House Republicans. The...

High Noon: Denver fracking, Stewart-Williams, Ryan Call agonistes

"Not to spoil the ending, but Brian Williams isn’t coming back. This is like a family telling their kids that their dog has gone to play on a beautiful farm far away."

GOP launches new CO website, accidentally uses photos from UT, AZ

  The Colorado Republican Party’s Official Independent Expenditure Committee (CORE) launched a snazzy new website today, billed as a grassroots organizing and fundraising tool for...