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Tag: RNC Convention

Federal immigration police lend hand with DNC security

While more than 60 local, national and military law enforcement agencies are helping out with security surrounding the Democratic National Convention, there's one federal agency that may not be expected: Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

McCain Veepstakes: All signs point to Alaska Gov. Palin

A darkhorse Republican vice presidential candidate has emerged from a crowded field of conservative middle-aged white guys to complete the 2008 McCain ticket. Our Washington Independent colleague Matthew DeLong has the skinny:

The elephant in the room: GOP could postpone, retool convention

As Gustav bears down on the Gulf Coast three years to the day after Katrina shattered New Orleans, Republicans say they could go so far as to delay next week's national convention in St. Paul. Party officials tell the Washington Post it would be a public relations nightmare to stage a giant party during a natural disaster, but a hurricane that threatens New Orleans poses particular problems for the GOP.

GOP worries Gustav could blow away convention

Top Republican strategists huddled Wednesday, fearing another hurricane could swamp the GOP convention just days after the third anniversary of Katrina's landfall.

Anti-gay, anti-abortion group loudly invades 16th Street Mall

The 16th Street Mall was the scene of megaphoned members of the “Official Street Preachers” railing against pro-choice candidates and homosexuality and urging Denver residents and visitors to repent.

GOP “Ministry of Truth” ready to spin back-alley contortions

In a secretive brick building off an alley in Northwest Denver, behind a metal gate secured by a guard, top Republican operatives have gathered to bash the Democrat National Convention across the river.

Journalists question DNC media overkill

A story this week on the media being stretched thin by back-to-back Olympic Games and national political conventions in Forbes has stirred up the...

Railroad industry DNC donations add freight to regulation bill

Two western railroad companies are donating an unusually high amount — more than $1 million — to the Denver National Convention (DNC) host committee...

Corporations buy influence and ‘civic pride’ with DNC cash

More than 100 sponsors, many of them corporations, are footing the bill for this summer’s Democratic National Convention in Denver Aug. 25-28. Most donors...

No beans about it, the silly season is upon us

John McCain is coming to Denver today to talk about the economy, and the liberal group Progress Now has vowed not to disappoint, this...