The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: rick santorum
Western Conservative Summit delivers pizza guy for prez, strange takes on...
The Western Conservative Summit in Denver over the weekend saw former Pennsylvania U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum backpedaling mightily on New York’s new marriage equality law, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson rushing to the defense of Michele and Marcus Bachmann on ex-gay therapy, and former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain celebrating a straw poll win.
Influential Focus on the Family affiliate both a critic, former recipient...
Provided South Carolina’s GOP can raise enough money to host the coveted first-in-the-South GOP presidential primary, the state will significantly impact which Republican is nominated to face off with President Obama in 2012. A South Carolina conservative policy group, the Palmetto Family Council, has seized on this spotlight to communicate its top issues to the 2012 presidential contenders; issues the group has influenced in past state debates all while receiving federal money to aid their case.
Iowa 2012 GOP Presidential Power Rankings: To split, or not to...
When it comes to politics, there is no denying the pull of momentum. And while it is clear that for this eighth edition of our Power Rankings U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann owns it, there is also no denying that social and religious conservatives in the state still have choices to make.
Five GOP presidential candidates participate in National Right to Life convention
Five Republican presidential contenders took part in a National Right to Life Convention forum Friday in Jacksonville. Only two (Herman Cain and Rick Santorum) appeared in person, while the other three (Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty) literally phoned it in — appearing at the panel via Skype.
Santorum on Meet the Press: All abortion doctors should be criminally...
Since announcing his bid for the 2012 Republican nomination for president, former Sen. Rick Santorum has not been shy about touting his anti-abortion views, which he’ll be discussing next week at the National Right to Life conference in Jacksonville.
Iowa 2012 GOP Presidential Power Rankings: The field comes into focus
“Are you serious?” is the question our panelists appear to be asking the 2012 hopefuls for this seventh edition of our 2012 Power Rankings. And that question isn’t just limited to the Iowa caucuses or the emphasis candidates are placing on the first-in-the-nation process.
Rick Santorum officially announces presidential campaign
Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania, will seek the White House in 2012, he announced this morning on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
GOP presidential debate mini roundup: Herman Cain won
The first GOP presidential primary debate is behind us. Fox News hosted the event in South Carolina last night. It featured five second-tier candidates and the news is that former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty didn't lose and that Herman Cain, the Georgia political figure, motivational speaker and former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, may have won. Rightwing RedState blog founder Erick Erickson celebrated Cain as the new Mike Huckabee!
VIDEO: In foreign policy speech, Santorum leans on exceptionalism to ‘re-establish...
Since his announcement of an exploratory committee for a possible 2012 presidential campaign, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum has been carving out a campaign platform that simultaneously paints President Barack Obama as a failed leader who has no faith in his nation while portraying himself as the hopeful successor whose belief in American “exceptionalism” will fix all the nation’s economic and national security issues.
Taking a beating on budget compromise, Boehner turns up heat on...
Conservative celebrity Sarah Palin and right-wing blogger Erick Erickson are just two of the high profile far-right leaders disparaging Speaker of the House John Boehner for the budget deal he hammered out with President Obama and Democratic Senate leaders last week. Colorado "liberty movement" talk radio hosts are unhappy. Colorado Tea Party freshmen Congressmen Scott Tipton and Cory Gardner as well as Colorado Springs conservative Doug Lamborn broke with the Speaker and voted against the budget. But Boehner can't go back on the deal and he won't likely win over the Tiptons and Palins and Ericksons with a lecture on the delayed gratification of budget cutting and the difference between outlays and spending. On the contrary, it would just make him seem more establishment. So instead, Boehner followed the lead of GOP presidential hopefuls and took a provocative and distracting stand against gay rights.