The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: pre-existing conditions
Guest Post: Trump is trying to kill the legislation that saved...
When I was healthy, I had the freedom to live anywhere in the country. And so I did. Today, my cancer diagnosis means my...
Wiretap: Trump guarantees pre-existing conditions will be covered, but he can’t...
In an appearance on Face the Nation, Donald Trump says he guarantees that pre-existing conditions will be covered in any version of an Obamacare...
‘Uninsurables’ look forward to Obamacare exchanges
DENVER -- Vicki Tosher, now 61, knows a lot about cancer. She has survived two kinds of breast cancer and she was a University of Colorado researcher in cancer prevention. She lost her job in 2009, and 18 months later, she lost her health insurance.
House passes health care reform legislation
Congressional Democrats on Sunday passed historic legislation to extend health coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans, protect patients from the most flagrant abuses of insurance companies, and curb runaway health care costs. All told, the $940 billion reforms represent the most sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system since the creation of Medicare more than four decades ago.