The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Politics
MSNBC: Anti-abortion Stupak mulling retirement
Colorado campaign spending quadrupled from 2004 to 2008
Conservative donors see latest RNC scandal as ‘nail in the coffin’
The “suggested amount” portion of the donation form is crossed out. There isn’t a box to check for no donation, so the would-be donor has simply drawn and filled in a new bubble and scrawled “NO.”
Bachmann ‘government takeover’ talking points refuted by CBS
Repeal pledge latest Republican litmus test
Denver 2022 Winter Games: An insider’s guide to the Olympic debacle
Rove on the Bush years: It’s everybody else’s fault
Washington memoirs are all about settling scores. Karl Rove’s “Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight” takes that tradition to new and self-parodying heights. To read Rove’s recollections of George W. Bush’s White House is to believe that, for eight years, men of “courage and moral clarity” governed the United States and were beset by critics who refused to give them any credit. On page after page, Rove names the naysayers and picks apart their claims. He’s most at ease — his delight jumps right off of the page — when he’s able to recount times he shoved the criticisms back in their faces.