The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Pinon Ridge Mill
Montrose County faces divisive uranium mill permit decision
MONTROSE — Actress and environmental activist Daryl Hannah says all the heated rhetoric over who should have the most say about the proposed Piñon Ridge uranium mill — western Montrose County mining families or affluent residents of Telluride and surrounding San Miguel County — is a moot point to Mother Earth. “These boundaries and these borders are manmade, but the air and the water and the soil and the wildlife don’t really recognize those boundaries,” she said in an interview with The Colorado Independent.
Montrose County commissioners on Wednesday will consider a plan to revive the area's long-dormant uranium industry.
Cañon City uranium contamination looms over Montrose mill battle
MONTROSE -- Many residents of Montrose County and surrounding counties in Southwest Colorado, have stood in opposition to the proposed Piñon Ridge uranium mill. "Not in my back yard," they say. Cañon City residents support the opposition. They didn't take that stand years ago and have suffered debilitating health effects associated with the metal the Navajo Indians call “yellow death.”
Colorado officials: Yellowcake uranium trucks ‘can go wherever they want’
MONTROSE — Opponents of a proposed uranium mill in southwestern Colorado near the Utah state line may be pleased to hear that state officials in charge of overseeing the transport of incoming ore and outgoing yellowcake don’t actually consider such things “nuclear materials.”
Proposed uranium mill deeply divides southwestern Colorado communities
MONTROSE — Montrose County commissioners delayed a decision on a controversial uranium mill proposal Wednesday after nearly six hours of public testimony that underscored deep divisions between longtime mining families and residents of neighboring Telluride and San Miguel County.
Proposed uranium mill creates culture clash in Montrose County
The debate over a uranium mill proposed by a Canadian company in the western end of Montrose County has come down to a question...