The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Parachute
VIDEO: Fracking sand air emissions caught on tape in Garfield County
Citizen activists in the natural gas drilling hotspot of western Garfield County, Colo., apparently caught Halliburton employees on tape working in and around a cloud of hydraulic fracturing sand emanating from tanker trucks near a Williams natural gas well pad in Parachute last week.
Exxon oil shale lease moves forward; critics point to past bust
Gov. Bill Ritter today said he was pleased by the “thoughtful approach” being taken by U.S. Bureau of Land Management as it moves forward...
Parachute losing town council due to energy slowdown
Parachute has been hit hard by the current slowdown in natural gas drilling. Mayor Roy McClung has watched school enrollments fall and rental vacancies...
Garfield County officials see value in Battlement Mesa health study
Garfield County public health officials believe a relatively untested type of health impact study could be a valuable tool in assessing the risks of natural gas drilling in the heart of the Battlement Mesa retirement community on Colorado’s Western Slope.
Three oil and gas companies fined for polluting stream near Parachute
Three oil and gas companies have been fined nearly $700,000 for allowing loose dirt from a pipeline project and access road to wash over...
Something suspect in the air: oil and gas air quality concerns...
In light of new evidence natural-gas drilling may be introducing elevated levels of the carcinogen benzene into the air around the Western Slope towns...
Western Slope schools losing students to ongoing natural-gas downturn
The ongoing downturn in natural gas drilling on Colorado’s Western Slope is taking a toll on local school districts, according to the Grand Junction...
Rio Blanco and Garfield counties: A tale of two nuclear gas...
In the late 1960s and early '70s, four nuclear devices were exploded underground on Colorado's Western Slope in an effort to free up commercially marketable amounts of natural gas from dense sandstone formations.
Local Officials Rebuke Oil Companies Over Waste-Pit Spills
Representatives from Chevron, Oxy, Conoco-Philips, EnCana, Williams Production, Antero, Berry and Marathon, among other top oil and gas companies, sat at a horseshoe-shaped conference...