The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Oil And Gas Drilling
GOP economic plan: ‘Foreclose, baby, foreclose,’ then ‘drill, baby, drill’
One of the themes that emerged from last week’s Republican presidential debate in Nevada – the foreclosure capital of the United States – is that GOP candidates largely don’t think the federal government should do much to fix the ongoing housing crisis.
EPA to regulate disposal of hydraulic fracturing wastewater
Officials for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced plans to draft national standards for the treatment and disposal of tainted wastewater generated during the common oil and gas drilling process called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
On-shore oil drilling booms in U.S., some areas of Colorado
On-shore oil drilling in the United States is at its highest level since the Reagan administration in 1987, according to the Baker Hughes Rig Count – an industry tracking service. That same national boom is also occurring in Colorado, according to state officials, who point to a flurry of new drilling permits and active wells in Weld County.
National energy industry law firm hires top state regulatory official for...
Burleson LLP, a top national energy law firm that recently opened a Denver office, this week announced the hiring of one of the top enforcement officials from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) – the state agency that regulates oil and gas drilling. The move raised some eyebrows in the environmental community.
DeGette lauds Salazar for staying course on categorical exclusions despite Lamborn...
U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo., today lauded Interior Secretary Ken Salazar for sticking to his guns on the issue of categorical exclusions that allow oil and gas companies to skirt environmental regulations for drilling operations on federal lands.
Oil and gas boom a bust for hunters along Colorado-Wyoming border
A corner of northwest Colorado where oil drilling is booming is becoming a bust for hunters. In 1990, there were more than 4,500 mule deer living in a unit near the state border with Wyoming, and in 2009 there were just a little more than 1,500 in that same unit.
DeGette says Colorado Roadless Rule ‘falls short’ of protections in national...
Just under the wire, U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo., got her official comments in on the controversial Colorado Roadless Rule Thursday, sending them to the U.S. Forest Service in a letter copied to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and U.S. Forest Service chief Tom Tidwell.
Eagle County ‘moving away’ from taking oil and gas drilling waste
Eagle County’s solid waste and recycling director this week clarified through a spokeswoman that he is not currently considering accepting pit liners from any oil and gas companies in Colorado and that such a decision would have to be made by the Eagle County commissioners. In response to a Colorado Independent story last week, Eagle County solid waste and recycling director Ken Whitehead also pointed out his department has recommended no longer accepting any type of so-called E&P (exploration and production) waste from oil and gas companies.
Exxon oil spill in Montana’s Yellowstone River puts spotlight back on...
ExxonMobil workers on Tuesday were scrambling to add staff and finds ways to work in swift-moving flood waters to soak up more than 40,000 gallons of oil the company spilled into Montana’s pristine Yellowstone River Friday night.
Enviro groups sue over lack of oil and gas air-pollution analysis...
Conservation groups today filed suit against the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for allegedly illegally approving thousands of oil and gas wells on federal land in western Colorado without conducting proper air-pollution analysis.