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Tag: Newt Gingrich

Gingrich launches Spanish-language web site

Former speaker of the House Republican Newt Gingrich has set up a new Spanish-language website. Latina leader says it is a nice gesture, but doesn't go far enough.

Anti-green group crows about squashing ‘radical environmentalist’ Newt Gingrich in CPAC...

A nonprofit anti-clean-energy lobbying group active in Colorado politics is taking credit for derailing the presidential aspirations of former Republic Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. American Tradition Partnership (ATP), a 501(c)4 “dedicated to fighting environmental extremism,” has ties to Western Tradition Partnership, a group that has targeted numerous Democratic candidates in Colorado dating back to 2008. Increasingly, the groups are targeting Republicans seen as too moderate on environmental and energy issues.

GOP 2012 preview: While Palin courts lamestream media, Huckabee woos Christian...

In interviews with ABC news and the New York Times former Alaska governor Sarah Palin said she is planning to run for president of the United States in 2012. The interviews with two of the main "lamestream media" outlets in the country, as she refers to them, will come out this week and are certain in Palin style to make a splash. They will overshadow the grassroots work former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, one of Palin's likely rivals for the Republican nomination, will be doing in Iowa, the traditional first battleground in the presidential election cycle.

How to reward attention seeking political blogger bomb-throwers

Pamela Geller is a Manhattan socialite who blogs about how Islam equals terrorism. She's a political provocateur in the Ann Coulter vein, but more...

Anti-Muslim Thursday: Gingrich in Denver, apologies in Portland, textbooks in Austin

Fear of things Muslim among a certain segment of the U.S. population this week landed with a splash on the calendar of the Denver...

Gingrich walks back civil rights comments

The Washington Post’s Dan Balz yesterday quoted Newt Gingrich, the former Republican House Speaker from Georgia, warning that Obama’s support for sweeping health care...

Mark ‘31’ Udall: Colo.’s senior Senator backs Bennet push for public...

Last night lefty blogs lit up with the news that Colorado's Sen. Mark Udall, after weeks of silence on the issue, threw in with...

GOP plan to ‘repeal health care’ faces high hurdles

As soon as the Senate passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Dec.24, Republicans and conservative activists started making a promise to voters. Give them a victory in the 2010 midterm elections, and they’ll repeal the bill.

How I funded the tea parties and other tales from the...

Dave Weigel, reporting at the Washington Independent on the Defending the American Dream Summit sponsored by Americans for Prosperity this weekend, delivers a few...

When is a czar not a czar?

With an assist from Politico, which has completely bought into Glenn Beck’s campaign against “czars” — on Monday, the publication sketched out a “GOP...