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Tag: Newt Gingrich
At GOP debate, candidates argue for denying emergency care, birthright citizenship...
The first meaningful Republican debate of the 2011-2012 primary was held in New Hampshire Monday, and the candidates had much to say on how they would handle immigration.
Revamped Gingrich campaign will ‘bring Americans together’
What happened to the Gingrich campaign? What was it that led the 2012 Republican presidential hopeful to right out of the gate break with party orthodoxy and say what he genuinely thought of the GOP Ryan budget plan and then to wander away from the campaign trail in a way that spurred his staff to band together and jump ship. Maybe it was the phone call Gingrich took a couple months ago from Dr. Malik Hasan, of the Colorado Hasans, longtime major GOP financial backers.
VIDEO: Radio host with ties to Bachmann, Pawlenty, Cain and Gingrich...
Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association told listeners of his radio show on Thursday that the Nazi Party in Germany was formed in a Munich gay bar by “homosexual thugs.”
Top Gingrich staffers resign, including key Perry personnel
The top aides to Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign have resigned en masse, the Associated Press is reporting. The departed include two former key personnel for Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Romney the RINO: GOP frontrunner (still) believes in climate change science
GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the Mormon former governor of Massachusetts who led the nation in government-based health reform, is already no favorite with the Tea Party-wing of the Republican electorate. He has now cemented that unpopularity by saying in public what he said in his book last year: that he stands behind the vast majority of the world's climate scientists who believe that the planet is warming and that that's a bad thing and that humans are no small part of the problem-- not that he's going to do anything about it, policy-wise.
Gingrich says government redistributes wealth ‘to the insufficiently happy’
Mixing classic rightwing economics and Christianist populism, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told a rapt crowd in a Minneapolis hotel Tuesday night that “government is taking from the overly happy and redistributing to the insufficiently happy.”Gingrich was addressing the Minnesota Family Council’s Annual Dinner at the downtown Minneapolis Hilton Hotel, where he shared top billing with a prerecorded speech by Rep. Michelle Bachmann. At a book signing at the same hotel earlier that evening, Gingrich was “glittered” by pro-gay prankster Nick Espinosa.
Gingrich week gets better: Spokesman Tyler fires off Sheen-like statement to...
Newt Gingrich's first week as an official 2012 presidential candidate has skated past horrible and become impressive. Who could have guessed it would be Gingrich's campaign launch that would be the big flopper given the field of failed, fringe and untested GOP candidates he has joined. Gingrich Spokesman Rick Tyler evidently decided against pretending he wasn't aboard a ship sailing rudderless into bizzaro-land and sent out a statement on the events of the week that fittingly strikes the paranoid machine-gun meltdown style adopted by America's favorite celebrity disaster, Charlie Sheen.
Anti-green group derides Gingrich’s likely ‘Democratic’ presidential bid
A political nonprofit labeling itself the “nation's largest grassroots opponent of radical environmentalism” sarcastically welcomed the anticipated presidential candidacy of Republican Newt Gingrich on Monday, calling the former U.S. Speaker of the House “Al Gore hiding under a Phil Donahue wig.”
In Thursday night’s Fox GOP presidential debate, a snapshot of a...
Republicans won an historic number of Congressional seats in the midterm election just six months ago. Tonight Fox News is hosting the first 2012 GOP presidential primary election debate and it will feature something like the weakest early lineup of candidates in modern memory. Serious Republican strategists will be watching either in denial or in panic through fingers stretched across their eyes.
At prayer breakfast, Gingrich says American Catholics are threatened by ‘anti-religious...
Catholics and clergy dined over $65 plates of sausage, bacon and scrambled eggs Wednesday morning at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C., to celebrate the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II, which will take place Sunday in Rome. But the larger theme of this year’s National Catholic Prayer Breakfast appeared to be the Catholic Church’s supposed waning influence on American policy.