The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Newt Gingrich
Santorum Super Tuesday closes with win in Colorado caucuses
Rick Santorum won the Colorado Republican caucuses Tuesday, garnering roughly 40 percent support and defeating runner-up Mitt Romney by nearly 4,000 votes. As see-sawing caucus tallies trickled in after 11 p.m., it became clear Santorum would sweep the three primary contests held Tuesday and revive his flagging candidacy to become the latest "anti-Romney" in the race.
‘Cousin Ricky’ Santorum’s family is a bunch of old-world red communists
Newt Gingrich speculated last fall that a theoretical family-based "Kenyan anti-colonial worldview" explained President Obama's equally theoretical socialist-leaning "denial of reality." Gingrich has so far let Republican presidential primary rival Rick Santorum off the hook, however, for the unabashed family-based Italian communist worldview that may or may not have shaped Santorum's American political views.
Ahead of caucuses, major Colorado tea party group promotes Ron Paul
In advance of the Colorado Republican caucuses tonight, the Northern Colorado Tea Party-- perhaps the most influential of the state's many tea party groups-- isn't backing away from its constitutional conservative mission. Far from recommending members warm up to presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney, the group has unofficially thrown its support behind libertarian Congressman Ron Paul.
Santorum and Gingrich dismiss climate change, vow to dismantle the EPA
GOLDEN — A day before Republicans voice their presidential preferences in Colorado caucuses, Rick Santorum dismissed climate change as “a hoax” and advocated an energy plan heavy on fossil fuels.
Tough week for failing ‘frontrunner’ Mitt Romney
President Obama in his State of the Union speech last night laid out the no-brainer case again for deficit reduction through a return to tax code fairness. The speech came hours after multi-millionaire Republican primary frontrunner Mitt Romney released the low-rate, off-shore income tax returns he submitted last year-- returns that among sensible people will devastate Republican trickle-down economics talking points on tax policy and government finances. What else happened to Mitt Romney this week?
Catholic leaders urge Gingrich and Santorum to leave racist talk behind
Catholic leaders issued a letter Friday to GOP presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, themselves Catholics, urging them “to stop perpetuating ugly racial stereotypes on the campaign trail.”
Abortion rights, Planned Parenthood attacked at GOP presidential forum
The anti-abortion group Personhood USA hosted a presidential candidate forum this week in Greenville, S.C., to discuss the legality of abortion, defunding Planned Parenthood and passing legislation to define human life as beginning at the moment of conception.
FoF head Dobson backs Santorum, citing ‘knowledge of international politics’
James Dobson, founder of Colorado Springs-based evangelical Christian empire Focus on the Family, today endorsed Rick Santorum for president. The move comes a week after prominent conservative leaders met in Texas to choose one candidate to rally around in the so-far fractious Republican primary. As a U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and as a presidential candidate, Santorum has made his stands on social issues his calling card, touting his opposition to gay rights, abortion and even contraception. Yet Dobson in his announcement cited Santorum's expertise on foreign affairs as the main factor driving the endorsement.
Marianne Gingrich-ABC News bomb set to rain down on Gingrich campaign
Marianne Gingrich, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's "second ex-wife"-- as the promotional material puts it-- unloaded on the former House Speaker as a philandering hypocrite in an interview with ABC's Brian Ross scheduled to air tonight on “Nightline.” The much-anticipated interview comes as Gingrich's candidacy is surging and just a day before South Carolina primary voters will head to the polls.
Perry exit planned to boost anti-Romney Gingrich vote
Texas Governor Rick Perry will end his limping bid for the presidency with an announcement scheduled this morning, just two days before voters go to the polls in the crucial South Carolina Republican primary. The timing is aimed to boost support for Newt Gingrich, whose popularity among voters has been climbing again after he unleashed a barrage of attacks on Romney over the last two weeks, painting him as an arch job-killing vulture capitalist, and after Romney declined to appear last night at an anti-abortion forum in Greenville.