The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: National Organization for Marriage
Wiretap: Spurred by shootings, California lawmakers introduce gun control bill
AUDIO: NOM pledges to make Starbucks “pay” for support of marriage...
Disputed parenting study introduced in court case challenging DOMA
Study funded by social conservatives claims that heterosexual parents are best
NOM integrally tied to GOP fundraiser group ActRight
Gallagher defends NOM’s racial strategy, but regrets wording of memos
LEXINGTON, VA — The former head of the National Organization for Marriage said Wednesday that she disagreed with some specific wording in the group’s controversial anti-gay marriage strategies but that she did not find the strategies themselves inappropriate.
Documents tie NOM to anti-gay marriage PAC
Phyllis Gardiner, an attorney for the Maine ethics commission who works in Maine’s attorney general’s office, told TAI that the Maine ethics commission’s long-stalled investigation into NOM is scheduled to get back into gear next month. What that investigation reveals is likely to shed even more light on NOM’s involvement in the anti-gay-marriage campaign and why the group has tried so vigorously to conceal its donors.
Civil rights groups seething over NOM tactics
Civil rights groups this week blasted a confidential memo by the National Organization for Marriage which outlined a strategy of pitting the gay community against the black and Latino communities in order to score points in the group’s efforts to ban marriage rights for same-sex couples.