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Tag: Mitt Romney

Colorado Dems blast Romney on immigration

On the heels of Mitt Romney's narrow Iowa victory over former Senator Rick Santorum, Colorado Democrats today said Romney's positions on immigration put him outside the mainstream and make him virtually unelectable in Colorado.

Perry’s Iowa flameout elicits whimper of response from Colorado team

Like a tumbleweed loosed in a storm, Texas Governor Rick Perry drifted out of Iowa after his humiliating fifth-place finish in the state's first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses last night. To the dismay of Tea Party conservatives, Perry returned to the Lone Star state to reflect on whether or not he should continue his bid for the White House. News breaking on Twitter an hour ago, however, is that the campaign will continue, pinning its hopes on South Carolina's January 21 primary. The Chair of the Perry campaign in Colorado, U.S. 6th District Congressman Mike Coffman, has yet to comment on the Perry loss, the plan going forward, or on the meaning for Colorado Republicans of last night's historic Mitt Romney-Rick Santorum caucus-race photo-finish.

Colorado Dems pile on Romney for lack of leadership during payroll...

Colorado Democrats today joined the Obama administration in going after Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney for calling a payroll tax extension for 160 million Americans a “temporary little Band-Aid.”

Colorado Dems do the math: What you can get with Romney’s...

The Colorado Democratic Party is blasting mega-millionaire Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for the flippant $10,000 bet he proposed to rival Rick Perry during the nationally televised candidate debate Saturday. The awkward proposal, coming amid an historic jobless recession where voters continue to lose their homes and their livelihoods at extraordinary rates, was exactly the kind of bumbling reflexive move that playwrights and novelists love: a toss-off act that gives away the game. State Democratic Party Chair Rick Palacio has done some math and has come up with a short list of "what $10,000 gets you in Colorado."

Poll: Colorado GOP move toward Gingrich a sure 2012 loser

President Obama is not a popular politician in Colorado but, according to a recent Public Policy Polling survey, Obama would defeat in a landslide Republican Newt Gingrich, whose star has risen of late but who boasts laughable negative numbers with voters here and is despised by the state's enormous percentage of independent voters.

Gingrich up big in Colorado while Perry fades to 4 percent

A poll released today by Public Policy Polling shows Newt Gingrich with a commanding lead over Mitt Romney in Colorado. The poll shows Gingrich up 37-18 over Romney. Michele Bachmann is third with 9 percent and Ron Paul comes in at 6 percent. It wasn't that long ago that Texas Governor Rick Perry was thought to be leading in Colorado, but according to this poll he is down to 4 percent.

VIDEO: Romney ad opens campaign to backlash, expert says

“if we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.” With those words, Mitt Romney launches an ad campaign against President Obama. In the already famous ad, Romney uses video of Obama saying “if we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.”

Cain doubles down against choice

Presidential candidate Herman Cain became one of the last GOP presidential candidates to sign an anti-abortion pledge created by the Susan B. Anthony List. Mitt Romney is now the only candidate who has not signed the promise.

Proof of citizenship required to attend Perry campaign event

For Rick Perry, immigration is the issue that keeps on giving. This week in his first visit to New Hampshire in weeks, Perry held a campaign event at a facility owned by a defense contractor. Admission was free and open to the public, but proof of citizenship was required at the door.

Christian groups Focus on the Family, NOM to host Iowa candidate...

The weekend before thanksgiving, Colorado Springs-based evangelical group Focus on the Family and the National Organization for Marriage will host a Republican presidential candidate forum in Des Moines centered on social issues. Focus on the Family staffer Tom Minnery said the hosts of the event don't plan to "get into theology as such" because there wouldn't be enough time for the candidates to "solve theological questions." Primary campaign frontrunner Mitt Romney, who is Mormon, has yet to commit to the event.