The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Michael Bennet
Littwin: Bennet does well in his town hall, but how much...
If you missed it, Michael Bennet did well in his CNN town hall with Dana Bash Thursday night. The question now is whether doing...
Littwin: Why are Bennet, Hick running for president? For the same...
The first question any candidate for office has to answer is why he or she is actually running for the job. You’d be surprised...
Littwin short take: Bennet is 21st Dem, out of 22, now...
Updated to reflect Bennet’s official announcement
The only remaining surprise about Michael Bennet’s big announcement was when it would come. He’s running for president. He’s...
Littwin: Biden gets a big bounce in the polls, and who’s...
If there’s one thing we learned from the 2016 election, it’s that none of the old rules seemed to apply, which is why nearly...
Littwin: Colorado GOP picks Ken Buck to make the case that...
In response to its all-but-unprecedented disaster that was the last election cycle, the Colorado Republican Party has come up with a plan — to...
Littwin: Michael Bennet has prostate cancer, but he still intends to...
When Michael Bennet’s office called to say he had a big announcement to make, I assumed he would be confirming what everyone already knew...
Both parties seek political leverage from Mueller report Congressional Republicans in...
WASHINGTON – The conclusions of the long-awaited report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller have many Republicans in Congress declaring victory for President Trump. But...
Littwin: Hick’s most memorable line in his CNN town hall was...
John Hickenlooper is not a flake. He just tends to play one when he’s on TV.
In the first big TV shot of his presidential...
In presidential run, Colorado’s Hickenlooper pushes compromise in an uncompromising time...
It is a late Friday afternoon in early February and passengers at Gate 12 of Washington’s Reagan National Airport are displeased.
“Fucking United,” a lawyer-lobbyist...
Littwin: Hick’s longshot argument — Colorado comity actually beats Washington dysfunction
Now that John Hickenlooper has officially joined the presidential race, he has, let us say, just a few challenges to overcome.
1. Money. It should...