The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Meet The Press
Shriver Report documents advances but also persisting gender inequalities
In a clear-eyed reading of the Shriver Report on U.S. work and family life released this week, former Colorado Independent editor Wendy Norris says...
Schaffer vs. Udall: Mud in your eye, beer in your face
There was maybe one good thing to come from an otherwise embarrassing display on national television by the two candidates running for one of the most hotly contested U.S. Senate races in the country: Bob Schaffer has found something new besides gas prices to blame Mark Udall for: the crash of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The Biases of Sunday Political Talk Shows
OK, admit it all you political junkies. With 10 million other viewers, you watch the Sunday morning political talk shows such as Meet the...