The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Mason Tvert
Marijuana initiative signatures to get line by line review
The Colorado Secretary of State's office announced today that after reviewing a random sample of signatures turned in by supporters of marijuana legalization measure Initiative 30 it will be necessary to review all 163,598 signatures.
Signatures turned in to put marijuana legalization on the ballot in...
This morning, proponents of a statewide initiative to legalize and regulate marijuana submitted nearly 160,000 signatures in support of placing the measure on the 2012 ballot. Only 86,105 valid signatures of registered Colorado voters are needed to qualify.
CU study: Medical marijuana saves lives
A study released Tuesday by the University of Colorado Denver indicates that the legalization of medical marijuana reduces alcohol consumption and, as a result, alcohol-related traffic deaths without a corresponding increase in deaths caused by stoned drivers.
VIDEO: Colorado police, judges champion drug legalization
Hundreds of law enforcement professionals including Denver's U.S. District Judge John Kane have come together on a curious quest: Saying the drug war has failed, they want to legalize drugs.
ACLU endorses marijuana legalization in Colorado
The ACLU of Colorado Thursday announced it has endorsed the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol.
Marijuana complaint filed with Secretary of State
Marijuana legalization advocate Mason Tvert today filed a formal complaint with the Secretary of State's office alleging that people from a competing legalization group have stolen signed petitions from people circulating them on behalf of Tvert's Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol organization.
Marijuana legalization effort launched in Colorado today
In a little more than a year, Colorado may become the first state to legalize marijuana. Between now and then, prepare to meet petition waving enthusiasts. In fact, prepare to meet competing petition wavers as it is quite likely that at least two different pro-marijuana groups will propose at least two different legalization schemes.
Calling fines ‘too harsh,’ Colorado town cuts marijuana penalties in half
Marijuana smokers in Federal Heights — town motto: Reaching Great Heights — will face lighter penalties when they reach a little higher, The Denver Post reports Monday. The town's City Council last week cut the maximum fine for pot smokers caught with an ounce or less of the herb from $1,000 to $500 and did away with the possibility of jail time.
Reporter Speaks on DEA Organized Crime Claims
Earlier in April, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration claimed in a TV news broadcast that campaigns to legalize marijuana in Denver and throughout the...
Federal Drug Agency Gets Flack For Organized Crime Claims
The federal Drug Enforcement Administration is claiming that proposals to legalize marijuana in Colorado are causing an increase in organized crime, but the agency...