The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: mark sanford
Littwin: The body slammer wins and now the question is whether...
The body slammer wins in Montana, meaning, apparently, we're either one step closer to the apocalypse or to political reporters adopting concussion protocols. Or...
Primary Day notebook: Four stories to watch
Tuesday, today, is Major Primary Day 2010. Voters go to the polls in California, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Carolina,...
WashPo versus DenPo on ‘rising’ Republican Josh Penry
Today, Washington Post writer Chris Cillizza featured Colorado Republican state senator Josh Penry in his series "The Rising," which profiles up-and-coming politicians across the...
‘C Street’ Democrat: Don’t ask me, I just live there
The Michigan Messenger caught up today with Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), who lives at the “C Street” house made famous of late by several...
Josh Penry: He’ll be your Bobby Jindal
State Sen. Penry announced his candidacy for governor to absolutely no one's surprise Saturday. His campaign website is now live and includes video clips...
Media watch: Giuliani surprisingly rational on Sanford sex scandal
Why ask Rudy Giuliani to weigh in on the Mark Sanford infidelity madness unless you're going to ask him directly about his own infidelity madness? MSNBC's Morning Joe misses the opportunity. Instead, the host lets Rudy go on about Bill Clinton's infidelities. Weird. Imagine Clinton sitting in that newsroom and no one ever mentioning "that woman" Lewinsky or that other woman Jennifer Flowers or any of the rest of the other women. Could never happen!
Would-Be-Gov. Penry’s rehashed Republican revolution
Josh "unannounced candidate for governor" Penry threw down the gauntlet Wednesday to fellow GOP officials, calling for an end to "flim-flam, mealy-mouthed Republicans." We must provide a "contrast" and not merely be an "echo chamber" for the Democrats if we're going to win in 2010, he said. What a speech!
Except, aren't we now witnessing the humiliating fallout of the stridently partisan 1990s Republican Revolution?
Real Republican leaders emerge in budget battle
Faced with unprecedented budget shortfalls that could tank higher education in the state, forcing campus closings and steep tuition hikes, Colorado lawmakers are leaning on pragmatists Al White, R-Hayden, and Don Marostica, R-Loveland — both of whom labor on the Colorado Legislature's Joint Budget Committee, which has got to be one of the most difficult and thankless jobs in government.
Sarah PAC denies Palin polling in Iowa
Welcome to the Möbius strip that is the Iowa presidential caucus.
Our Iowa Independent colleague Chase Martyn has the skinny on recent pre-, pre-, pre-caucus favorability polling on Sarah Palin.
Forget the noise, spend our tax dollars already!
Awash in the sound and fury of today's anti-tax crusaders -- the refusenik governors, the tea party attendees, the screamers of "socialism," the Ayn Rand-loving libertarians "going Galt," the op-ed writing de facto leaders of the Republican party, the just plain fools -- you would think there was significant disagreement among the U.S. population on the big tax-spending stimulus package.
There's not.