The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Layoffs
Local news on your cord-cutter video service? A company with a...
Gannett’s nationwide layoffs lash the Coloradoan newspaper in Fort Collins Your...
Littwin: Denver Post owners are not just laying off employees, they’re...
Layoffs lash The Denver Post. Again. But this time is different.
Layoffs whack another Colorado newspaper
Highway project reminds Western Coloradans: Coal is tanking
Unemployment benefits extension no help for growing numbers of jobless
Late Thursday afternoon, President Obama signed into law a bill granting workers out of a job for more than 26 weeks additional unemployment insurance payments, paid for by the federal government. The benefits had been in place since November 2009, but had lapsed for seven weeks — an unprecedented hiatus, given the 9.5 percent unemployment rate. The bill, held up in the Senate by Republicans concerned about the deficit, makes benefits retroactive to June 2 and forward to Nov. 30. In states with higher than 8 percent unemployment, workers will continue to receive up to 99 weeks of benefits.