The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Littwin: Watching Udall stride across the White House lawn
Mark Udall was on the Senate floor, probably for the last time, and giving 'em hell. He gave Barack Obama hell. He gave the...
Lamborn decries planned N.Y.-based terror trials
U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn added his voice to those criticizing the White House decision to try suspected 9-11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other suspected terrorists in a New York City civilian court. In a strongly worded statement issued yesterday, the Colorado 5th District Republican argued that New York could become a number one target for attacks during the trial, that the terrorists were enemy combatants who would be granted additional rights unnecessarily once brought onto U.S. soil and that the men could radicalize prison populations wherever they might eventually be held.
In conversation with the Colorado Independent, however, the Department of Justice played down the criticism as overheated and lacking perspective.
9/11 masterminds could face trial in federal court
WASHINGTON-- As the Obama administration nears its deadline for deciding where to try the men suspected of masterminding the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorists attacks, there are strong indications that those trials could take place in federal courts in the United States. That’s prompting fervent opposition from Republicans, who say the 9/11 terrorists should never be allowed anywhere on U.S. soil, let alone in a civilian U.S. court.
The ultimate Bush Administration torture timeline
The New York Times and Sunday morning political talk shows are contorting themselves into linguistically-torturous positions in a feeble attempt to avoid using the word "torture" to describe the immoral and criminal techniques employed at Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib and CIA black sites against suspected al Qaeda-linked prisoners.
Now, Foreign Policy magazine has produced the euphemism-free "ultimate guide to the Bush Administration's journey to the dark side."