The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: John Suthers
With pot legalized, Colorado enters drug-policy brave new world
America’s war on drugs got a lot more interesting Tuesday night as Colorado and Washington each voted to legalize marijuana use and possession by adults. Marijuana advocates promptly called the two measures “the beginning of the end” of marijuana prohibition in the United States.
Watchdog group: SoS Gessler’s GOP travel tab an anomaly
Luis Toro, director of left-leaning government watchdog group Colorado Ethics Watch, said on Monday that a preliminary review of documents suggests Secretary of State Scott Gessler's decision to bill taxpayers for travel to partisan political functions stands out when compared to decisions made by other state-wide office holders.
Fed court ruling in DOMA case a victory for states’ rights
A unanimous federal appeals court ruling issued in Boston today found the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional in that it discriminates against same-sex couples. The ruling is a victory for the Obama administration and supporters of both gay rights and states' rights and a blow for the national anti-gay marriage movement and for Colorado Attorney General John Suthers, who filed a controversial and critics say confused amicus brief in the case last year in support of the embattled federal law.
Independence Institute on Obamacare: It’s not about the Commerce Clause
The Independence Institute, a Denver-based free-market think tank that has lead the charge in Colorado against the Affordable Care Act, has filed what it is calling two "potentially game changing" briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court. The court this week is hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the two-year-old law.
Occupy Denver told to get out of park at night
Thursday, Governor John Hickenlooper, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, and Attorney General John Suthers announced that Occupy Denver protesters could no longer camp out on state park land in front of the capitol.
VIDEO: Colorado police, judges champion drug legalization
Hundreds of law enforcement professionals including Denver's U.S. District Judge John Kane have come together on a curious quest: Saying the drug war has failed, they want to legalize drugs.
Polis, Suthers spar on impacts of marijuana legalization in Colorado, Mexico
Congressman Jared Polis and drug-policy reform advocate Ethan Nadelmann argued Wednesday night in Vail that one of the most compelling reasons to legalize marijuana in the United States is to eliminate a major funding source for deadly Mexican drug cartels. Both Colorado Attorney General John Suthers and recently retired DEA agent Anthony Coulson sharply disagreed.
Health care reform hit by federal appeals court
A federal appeals court today struck down a key provision of President Obama's health care reform law, saying the government could not force people to buy insurance.
Brown, Owens, Suthers, Stapleton announce support for Mitt Romney
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney today announced the support of several Colorado Republican heavyweights including former senators Hank Brown and Wayne Allard, former Governor Bill Owens, former Congressman Bob Beuprez, current Attorney General John Suthers and current Treasurer Walker Stapleton.
Arizona sues DOJ over medical marijuana
As every state with legal medical marijuana on the books now seems to have a letter from a U.S. Attorney saying, 'not so fast', Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has taken the whole thing one step beyond by filing suit against the United States Department of Justice in the hope of getting a judicial ruling that clarifies whether Arizona has the right to implement its medical marijuana law.