The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Joel Hefley
Fifth District race getting weird as it goes down to the...
The race for the Republican nomination for the Fifth District congressional seat, centered in Colorado Springs, grows weirder by the day. You've got three-term incumbent Doug Lamborn waging a war of words not only with the district's biggest and most important newspaper, The Gazette, but also with his predecessor in Congress, Joel Hefley.
Charlie Duke And The Good Old Days
Note: This is the first in a two-part post.
It's been nearly a decade since Charles Duke held office under the golden dome in Denver....
Lamborn’s Check Returned to Gambling Group without Date, Signature
A controversial $1,000 campaign contribution that a gambling company made in January to Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn arrived back in the company's offices more...
Gun Bill Approved
The U.S. House Judiciary Committee today approved by voice vote one of the three National Rifle Association (NRA)-backed bills-H.R. 5092-that has the backing of...
NRA-Backed Bills Get Congressional Hearing
Tomorrow the U.S. House Judiciary Committee will consider three NRA-backed bills that have the backing of the Colorado GOP delegation and Democrat Ken Salazar-all...