The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Joe Miklosi
‘Spine doctor with a backbone’ looking to battle Miklosi for chance...
Perry Haney has been planning to run for Congress for a while and now, as reported by the Colorado Statesman today, he has decided to mount a serious primary challenge to Democrat Joe Miklosi in CD6, the former Republican stronghold represented by Mike Coffman but remade this year as one of the nation's top tossup congressional districts.
Defiant Coffman sure to turn to middle in new tossup 6th...
In his more than 20-year political career, Colorado 6th District Republican Congressman Mike Cofffman has never lost an election. Before heading to Capitol Hill, he was a state representative and senator, then state treasurer and then briefly secretary of state. Among insiders, it has been accepted as a given that Coffman is planning to take a run in 2014 at Democratic U.S. Senator Mark Udall's seat. Any future Coffman political plans, however, were complicated Thursday, when Denver District Judge Robert Hyatt put the 6th District GOP stronghold into play by paring off large swaths of mostly white suburbs south of Denver and including more urban, working-class and Latino regions to the north.
Undocumented students lose in-state tuition vote, but new bill may rise...
Colorado's ASSET bill died in committee Monday as every Republican, including Robert Ramirez, voted no. Ramirez said he will work with Democrats to bring a bill next year that is more acceptable to conservatives.
PERA board change passes Second reading in House
Tempers ran high on the floor of the Colorado House today as members discussed reducing the number of PERA board members selected by employees and replacing them with governor appointees.
Colorado lawmakers pull Arizona copycat bill from consideration
As protesters rallied on the capitol steps today in opposition to immigration legislation, lawmakers inside the building killed a bill designed as a copycat of a law passed last year in Arizona. Rep. Randy Baumgardner, R-Hot Sulphur Springs, one of the bill's sponsors, said it was being pulled from consideration because lawmakers did not want to burden the state with having to defend the law in court.
Coloradans rally for immigrant tuition bill
During a rally Wednesday, Democratic sponsors of a bill allowing undocumented high-school students to pay in-state tuition at public colleges and universities framed their comments around economic prosperity in hopes of garnering Republican support.
Pinnacol board pushes back against Miklosi transparency bill
Denver Republican state Rep. Joe Miklosi has introduced legislation that seeks to change the make-up of the governing board of tax-exempt Pinnacol Assurance, the state's largest workers compensation insurer. The bill seeks to diversify the perspective of the quasi-governmental business to include injured workers and open the board's proceedings to greater public scrutiny. Miklosi is getting significant pushback from Pinnacol, which is most strongly opposed to the provision in the bill encouraging public comment on board deliberations.
Bill to smooth lobbyist access in Denver founders on populist backlash
DENVER-- Lawmakers killed a bill in committee Tuesday that would have allowed lobbyists to bypass security lines at the capitol. The bill drew attention from the media for appearing to integrate lobbyists into the capitol culture in a way that citizens are not. The bill failed four votes to seven.
Miklosi to postpone illegal immigrant in-state tuition bill
State Rep. Joe Miklosi, D-Denver, told the Denver Post that he will wait another year to introduce legislation to offer in-state tuition to illegal...
Colorado candidates join Obama, reject special interest dough
Political Action Committees, which typically represent labor or business concerns, have long shoveled money toward candidates. But in the past two years since Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff plead guilty to bribery charges, PACs and other interest groups have fallen out of favor with some politicians who want to maintain a squeaky clean image.