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Despite ties to the Aga Khan, Perry has avoided broadly embracing...

A recent Salon article exploring the “surprisingly warm” relationship between Texas Gov. Rick Perry and the Muslim community leans on the Republican presidential candidate’s ties to the Aga Khan, religious leader of the Ismailis — a sect of Shia Islam — as evidence he is well-connected to at least one group of Muslims.

NYT blasts Oklahoma anti-Islam law, saying it’s based on ‘hatred’

First, Oklahoma voters by more than a 2-1 margin passed a law barring Oklahoma courts from considering Islamic law when trying cases in the...

Rooting out bigotry in Colorado Tea Party on 9-11 anniversary

The 9-11 tragedy had nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with criminal mass murderers. But today, on the anniversary of 9-11, you wonder how many of us understand that, as anti-Islamic hatred connected to 9-11 appears to be growing and polls show outright bigotry toward Muslims rising.

Video: Tancredo says U.S. last hope of western world

Tom Tancredo said on Saturday the United States is the last hope for the Western world after the fall of Europe to "Islamasization." "Why is it so important, why does everyone have to explain the importance of having other people come to keep aspects of their culture but attack our desire to retain our own?" Tancredo asked the audience while speaking the Conservative Western Summit. Tancredo was part of a host of guest speakers inlcuding Michele Bauchmann, Michelle Malkin and other talk-radio-regulars speaking to a crowded ballroom at the summit hosted by the Centenial Insitute and 710 KNUS.

Conservative Hasan strongly rebukes Norton ‘war on Islam’ messaging

Ali Hasan, former candidate for state treasurer and scion of the wealthy Hasans behind the GOP-backing Hasan Family Foundation, has posted a sharp rebuke...

Iranian Nobel Laureate urges U.S. focus on human rights

BOULDER-- Iranian attorney and 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi urged the United States to center its policy toward Iran on human rights in a speech Friday that kicked-off a two day symposium here at Naropa University Friday night. A fearless defender of women's rights in Iran and a harsh critic of the patriarchal readings of Islam dominant in the Middle East, Ebadi took issue with the "clash of civilization" posture that has characterized West-Middle East relations over the past 30 years. She highlighted the value of greater cultural exchange and spoke on Iran's pursuit of nuclear power. She also congratulated President Obama on joining the world's club of Nobel winners. She saw the surprise award as encouragement for the U.S. to further pursue peace and dialogue as part of the international community.

WATCH: Bachmann on the threat of a one-world currency

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., spoke at the conservative Take Back America conference this weekend in St Louis. She told attendees it would be...

Right wing writer tabs Bush, Obama in Muslim Brotherhood

CRAZYLAND USA -- Center for Security Policy founder, former Reagan Administration arms control adviser and Washington Times Op-Ed writer Frank Gaffney was apparently driven out of his mind by the "revelations" he found buried in the President's Cairo speech, arguing in the paper today that the speech proved Obama is a Muslim and that even if it didn't exactly prove Obama is a Muslim, well, then it proved that Obama's sympathies lie with Muslim extremists!

Obama’s Cairo speech converges on East-West obligation

The BBC News posted a fascinating word cloud visual depiction of President Barack Obama's historic speech in Cairo today. Arguing with someone (cough ... Rush Limbaugh) that Obama capitulated to Islam over Western concerns? Whip this out.

Colorado Muslims praise Powell for ‘Meet the Press’ interview

Members of Colorado’s Muslim community Monday praised former Secretary of State Colin Powell for his interview on NBC’s“Meet the Press” Sunday in which the retired Republican Army general endorsed Democrat Barack Obama and condemned his own party’s attempts to portray Obama as a Muslim associated with terrorists.