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Tag: Hurricane Katrina

Wiretap: Ten years after Hurricane Katrina, the blame-game rages on

Wasn't me Brownie: Stop blaming me for Katrina. Via Politico. Hindsight is 20-20 Seven essential facts about Katrina 10 years after – all of which point to governmental...

Wiretap: A Katrina without a Brownie

How bad is the Obamacare rollout screwup? Let's say it's not just bad -- but really, really, really bad. And yet, it's still not as bad for Obama as Hurricane Katrina was for Bush. Six reasons why, according to the New Yorker's John Cassidy.

Vital undocumented workers victims of wage theft, shifting laws

Jacinta Gonzalez, an organizer with the Congress of Day Laborers in New Orleans, tells a story about the abuse of workers rebuilding the city after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. She once met a man who went to his employer’s house to demand payment for his labor on a construction site after the employer stiffed him of his dues. The man’s boss came at him, swinging a hammer. The worker immediately called the police.

Renfroe bill would suspend governor’s right in an emergency to control...

A Senate bill introduced this week and sponsored by Scott Renfroe, R-Greeley, aims to suspend the governor's authority to limit citizens' access to firearms...

Prof. Brownie: Disgraced Bush official to teach Patriot Act class at...

Michael Brown, the disgraced head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency during Hurricane Katrina, lives in Boulder now and, four years after the epic...

Post-Gustav is no time to act like a Republican

On Monday, the McCain campaign website ran a quote from the candidate himself smack-dab on the homepage: "I pledge that tomorrow night and if necessary throughout our convention, we will act as Americans and not as Republicans because America needs us now." Darn right — you better not act like Republicans if you want to help America.

The elephant in the room: GOP could postpone, retool convention

As Gustav bears down on the Gulf Coast three years to the day after Katrina shattered New Orleans, Republicans say they could go so far as to delay next week's national convention in St. Paul. Party officials tell the Washington Post it would be a public relations nightmare to stage a giant party during a natural disaster, but a hurricane that threatens New Orleans poses particular problems for the GOP.

GOP worries Gustav could blow away convention

Top Republican strategists huddled Wednesday, fearing another hurricane could swamp the GOP convention just days after the third anniversary of Katrina's landfall.