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Tag: Hpv Vaccine

Perry misled debate audience about meeting with cancer patient ‘lobbyist’

In his third GOP presidential debate Gov. Rick Perry had a way of fumbling and tripping over words. But it was a familiar issue, and perhaps the most articulate answer he delivered at Thursday evening’s Fox News/Google debate, that was perhaps most misleading.

Flare-Up In Texas Over HPV Vaccine

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has said he will not veto a bill passed by lawmakers that will override his February executive order requiring all...

Committee OKs Vaccine Bill

A bill that would create an HPV vaccine-awareness campaign and require insurance companies and Medicaid to pay for the controversial shots passed unanimously through...

Vaccine Funding Bill in House Committee Today

A bill that would require insurance companies and Medicaid to pay for the controversial human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine is scheduled to be heard...

Future Uncertain For HPV Vaccine Bill

A bill that would require school-age girls in Colorado to get a cervical cancer vaccine failed in the Senate Appropriations Committee today on a...

New HPV Vaccine Bill Introduced in House

State legislators introduced a new bill last week regarding a controversial vaccine for human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes many cases of cervical cancer....

Merck Backs Off Push For HPV Vaccine Laws

Pharmaceutical giant Merck will stop lobbying for laws requiring girls to be vaccinated against HPV, the virus that causes many cases of cervical cancer,...

Mandating the HPV Vaccine

As a debate on the issue rages across the country, Colorado lawmakers are considering legislation that would make a vaccine for human papilloma virus...