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Tag: hickenlooper budget

Budget long bill still in dispute–process shrouded in secrecy

The long bill, scheduled to drop over a week ago and again expected to hit the floor of the Senate Monday, is still hung up in the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) where Senate Democrats say House Republicans have been unwilling to budge on tax breaks.

Bipartisan Joint Budget Committee coming to an impasse

Rep. Mark Ferrandino, D-Denver, said the long-bill budget package, which had been due to be presented to the Senate today, was pushed back at least a week because Republicans are looking to "increase the cut to schools while protecting tax breaks for Walmart.

CU unveils 10-year master plan for campus construction and renovation projects

The University of Colorado today released a draft of the master plan for campus construction and renovation projects in the next ten years.

Hickenlooper’s budget takes aim at recidivism reduction package championed by Ritter

Gov. John Hickenlooper’s budget proposal cuts programs designed to reduce recidivism, prevent juveniles from entering the criminal justice system and cut the number of repeat drug offenders in jail -- programs former Gov. Bill Ritter's administration said were saving the state millions of dollars.

Sen. Rollie Heath calls for new tax initiative to fund education...

A handful of Democrats stood behind Sen. Rollie Heath, D-Boulder, as he announced today a citizens' initiative to roll back tax rates in hopes of generating $1.63 billion over three years for higher education and K-12 education.

Denver mayoral candidate Mejia pushes Legislature to better fund education

Denver Mayoral Candidate James Mejia--a former member of the Denver School Board--today asked the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) and the Denver delegation to the State Legislature to act to restore funding to public education and reduce the proposed $375 million cut in education funding.

Senate President Shaffer says Hickenlooper budget won’t stand

Senate President Brandon Shaffer, D-Longmont, and Sen. Bob Bacon, D-Fort Collins, Wednesday said that the Senate had no intention of "rubber stamping" Gov. John Hickenlooper's budget plan. They said they would work to ensure the cuts to K-12 were limited, though Shaffer failed to provide specifics on how that would be done or if he would vote for a bill that didn't include substantial cuts.

Hickenlooper plan to slash school funding draws fast response from education...

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper rolled out a budget plan Tuesday in which he proposes trying to make up hundreds of millions of dollars in shortfalls by mostly slashing elementary school funding. His plan would cut the K-12 budget by $375 million. Wednesday morning advocacy group Great Education Colorado sent out a call for Coloradans to oppose the Hickenlooper plan. The group succinctly describes how the costs will translate around the state and at local schools.