The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: healthcare
Hospital provider fee negotiations are in the works — or are...
Legal wrangling over the constitutionality of reclassifying a billion-dollar hospital program to free up money in Colorado's budget might be over, but the political...
He was the only GOP lawmaker in Colorado to vote for...
Larry Crowder is a San Luis Valley farmer and rancher who represents a large rural swath of southeastern Colorado from Wolf Creek Pass to...
Holiday buying guide: Trans health insurance
Just in time for the latest Affordable Care Act open enrollment, which runs until February 15, 2015, LGBTQ advocacy group One Colorado has released a...
Wiretap: Percentage of Americans without health insurance way down
"Thanks Obamacare!" It may remain a political hot potato -- forever -- but the controversial law appears to be doing exactly what it was intended to do.
Nation’s most expensive healthcare region may see relief
Colorado's Division of Insurance announced today that it's making moves to lower mountain-dwellers' high premiums by pooling expensive regions into larger blocks that — hopefully — will allow for better insurance rates.
Lawmakers inquire about healthcare costs and segregated classrooms
Lawmakers ask voters to shore up state Constitution
The House passed a resolution today that will ask voters this November if they think the number...
Senate limits solitary confinement, enforces charity health care
Notes from the 94th day of the 2014 legislative session.
Fact-checking healthcare myths on the anniversary of Obamacare
During this, the anniversary week of the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, supporters and opponents offered their love or hate for the law; though largely hate got the most press.
Bachmann ‘government takeover’ talking points refuted by CBS
As the Minnesota Independent reports, Tea Party Congresswoman Michele Bachmann appeared on Face the Nation and railed against the "government takeover" of the economy...
Planned Parenthood presses Colorado lawmakers to support maternity coverage
DENVER-- Planned Parenthood of the Rockies staff and supporters descended on the capitol today as part of an annual effort to lobby lawmakers. This...