The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: gun rights
Littwin: Going gun-loving crazy in Castle Rock
It's one to thing to talk about liberty. Let's see if they can show the world what freedom really means in Castle Rock, Colorado, USA.
Wiretap: Benghazi without al-Qaeda
The must-read story on Benghazi, written and reported by David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times, tells how militias that Americans thought were friendly...
Fresh-face Zenzinger appointed to Hudak Senate seat
WESTMINSTER, Colo. — In something of a surprise vote, a majority of 66 vacancy commissioners selected Arvada City Councilwoman and former campaign manager Rachel Zenzinger to replace Democratic state Senator Evie Hudak, who resigned on November 27 in the face of a recall effort launched by gun rights groups in reaction to votes she cast in the spring.
Shooting victims line up to protect new Colorado gun laws
Gun-law reform advocates fear that when the NRA and its legislative allies call for repeal of the new laws in the next legislative session, which starts in January, anxious Democrats will jump on board, or at least out of the way.
Wiretap: The fun bunch of gunnies in the parking lot
In Colorado, if they don't like the way you think on guns, they might recall you. In Texas, it's different. You meet to talk about gun-safety laws and find that, out in the parking lot, there's a group brandishing shotguns, hunting rifles, AR-15s and AK-47s.
UN Arms Treaty: Another gun-rights cash cow
John Kerry has signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty, lending U.S. support to an effort aimed at slowing the flow of arms across borders and into the hands of the kind of people who this week turned a shopping mall in Kenya into a killing field.
Colorado gun-rights bills shot down in Senate committee
Election-year gun-rights debate visited the capitol again Monday when the Senate Veteran and Military Affairs Committee considered two bills aimed at firming up citizen rights to use guns at the workplace for defense and in times of state-declared emergencies. After two hours or so of testimony, the bills were killed on party-line votes in the Democrat-controlled committee.
Renfroe bill would suspend governor’s right in an emergency to control...
A Senate bill introduced this week and sponsored by Scott Renfroe, R-Greeley, aims to suspend the governor's authority to limit citizens' access to firearms...
Gun case headed to Supreme Court might broaden wide range of...
The Supreme Court agreed Wednesday to hear a case filed against a citywide ban on handguns in Chicago. Analysts say the case, McDonald v....