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Tag: Gun Control

#Coleg Notebook: Of fees and firearms

Debating the constitutionality of constitutional carry  Republicans in the statehouse have been proposing "constitutional carry" legislation for years. In essence, the policy would allow anyone over...

#Coleg notebook: Politics turns concealed carry debate upside down

Republicans won't cotton to efforts to improve efficiency of background checks  The Joint Budget Committee is the newsmaker committee so far this session. Republicans are...

All quiet on the eastern front and notes on the chamber...

Increasing sound and fury in the Capitol as both Republicans and Democrats flex their partisan muscles in their respective chambers.

And they’re off: Colorado General Assembly Opening Day

Colorado's General Assembly kicked off its 70th session in classic Colorado style -- so bipartisan it’s hard to say who’s walking onto the court with the upper hand.

Hickenlooper campaign allows Beauprez to be formidable foe

The race to be Colorado’s next governor began when Bob Beauprez won the Republican primary in June. The former congressman was considered the moderate...

Recalled Sen. Morse joins move to support Colorado ‘gun sense’ candidates

Just over a year ago, state Senate President John Morse was recalled from his Colorado Springs seat for playing a leading role in passing...

ProgressNow parodies Hickenlooper-hitting Citizens United trailer

Legalized marijuana, background checks for gun purchases, renewable energy development, health care reform, local-control bans on fracking: Citizens United says one man alone is...

Gun debate still reverberating in key Western Slope Senate battle

Guns and energy development dominate swing Senate District 5 race.

NRA Coffman campaign in gun-rattled Aurora could backfire

  If you live in Aurora, chances are you found a glossy mailer on your doorstep last week. (In a Congressional district as tight as...

Hello Colorado, it’s still me, John

  John Hickenlooper is generally a crowd pleaser, but in a debate earlier this month against Bob Beauprez, he said something that drew scoffs and...