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Tag: Glenn Greenwald

Tuesday Link Dump: Has 4Chan hobbled Gawker?

Gawker called out's notorious /b/ message board for singling out an 11 year old YouTuber and posting her personal info on the web....

MSNBC Backstage: Scahill tweets Koch name-calling

U.S. cable news talking heads have been facing off on the Israel-flotilla mayhem since the over-the-top helicopter commando boarding took place this week. Salon's...

Obama nominee Kagan has embraced expanded executive authority

Solicitor General Elena Kagan will be President Obama’s second Supreme Court nominee. The emerging conventional wisdom is that Kagan, a rare nominee for the high court who hasn’t been a judge, is a very smart blank slate. On at least one category of issues that Kagan will face — the intersection of national security and law during a time of war — that conventional wisdom looks correct. But there’s a proxy for that set of issues, however inexact, that offers a few clues in advance of her confirmation hearings: Kagan’s deference to executive power.