The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Gary Johnson
Prez candidate Johnson campaigns in Colorado for pot legalization
Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson was in Denver Monday to campaign for Colorado's Amendment 64, which would legalize adult possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Marijuana advocates protest outside Lakewood Obama office
A handful of marijuana reform advocates gathered on a sidewalk outside an Obama campaign office in Lakewood Thursday morning to draw attention to what they characterized as the Obama Administration's aggressive use of federal law to interfere with the rights of medical marijuana businesses and patients in Colorado and elsewhere.
VIDEO: Huntsman and Johnson call out debate crowd for booing gay...
At Thursday night’s Republican presidential debate in Florida, a gay soldier serving in Iraq was booed by the audience because he asked a question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. None of the candidates on stage came to his defense.
Gary Johnson: ‘Social conservative fringe’ will leave GOP in permanent minority
“There is no majority in America that can be built on hypocrisy and inconsistency,” former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson said Friday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
Mitt Romney decides against signing ‘inappropriate’ Marriage Vow pledge in Iowa
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has taken a look at a 2012 social pledge introduced by an Iowa religious conservative organization and has decided not to sign.
Bachmann, religious right group back off claim black children better off...
The Family Leader, an Iowa religious right group that has been active in GOP caucuses of that state, backtracked on a pledge the group released last week that asked candidates to vow to oppose pornography and same-sex marriage. The pledge contained a controversial statement about slavery, and over the weekend, the Family Leader removed that reference. Rep. Michele Bachmann — the first signer of the pledge — said that she wasn’t signing off on the preamble that contained the slavery reference, only the vows themselves.
Influential Focus on the Family affiliate both a critic, former recipient...
Provided South Carolina’s GOP can raise enough money to host the coveted first-in-the-South GOP presidential primary, the state will significantly impact which Republican is nominated to face off with President Obama in 2012. A South Carolina conservative policy group, the Palmetto Family Council, has seized on this spotlight to communicate its top issues to the 2012 presidential contenders; issues the group has influenced in past state debates all while receiving federal money to aid their case.
GOP presidential debate mini roundup: Herman Cain won
The first GOP presidential primary debate is behind us. Fox News hosted the event in South Carolina last night. It featured five second-tier candidates and the news is that former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty didn't lose and that Herman Cain, the Georgia political figure, motivational speaker and former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, may have won. Rightwing RedState blog founder Erick Erickson celebrated Cain as the new Mike Huckabee!
In Thursday night’s Fox GOP presidential debate, a snapshot of a...
Republicans won an historic number of Congressional seats in the midterm election just six months ago. Tonight Fox News is hosting the first 2012 GOP presidential primary election debate and it will feature something like the weakest early lineup of candidates in modern memory. Serious Republican strategists will be watching either in denial or in panic through fingers stretched across their eyes.
Giuliani speechwriter, High Times staffers agree: Gary Johnson over Ron Paul
The conventional political wisdom says that the entry of Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, into the presidential race is bad news for former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson since the two will compete for similar voters in the Republican primary. However, a former Giuliani speechwriter and the staffers at High Times, the magazine devoted to marijuana, both agree that Johnson is the better choice between the two longshot libertarian Republicans.