The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Fbi
Littwin: The bad news for Cory Gardner is that the Trump...
It is very easy to mock Cory Gardner's unwillingness to give a straight answer to a straight question or, in many cases, to give...
Wiretap: James Comey, FBI infighting and the nightmare that is Anthony...
They're calling it Comeygate, or at least some Democrats are. In the unprecedented FBI October surprise, which has completely roiled the presidential race, FBI...
Littwin: On a bad day for Clinton, Trump still loses
FBI Director James Comey, whose reputation as a truth-teller was forever sealed when he served as deputy attorney general in the Bush administration, was...
FBI: Clinton email server “extremely careless,” but not criminal
When she was Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless” in their handling of private emails that contained classified information,...
Keefe: Privacy invasion: The FBI’s stunning new iPhone upgrade
For more from Mike Keefe, go here.
Wiretap: Hillary Clinton’s email controversy worsens
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The latest from the Hillary Clinton email front (none of it good for Clinton): Bloomberg reports that the FBI has recovered many of...
Wiretap: Hillary Clinton’s iffy attempt to end the email scandal
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In an attempt to try to put the email issue to rest, Hillary Clinton agrees to give her private email server and...
Revisiting Rocky Flats: Joseph Daniel brings his 1979 protest dispatch back...
Hundreds of people in bandanas, bell bottoms and boxy Buicks came to the Colorado scrubland in the shadow of the Flat Iron mountains between Golden and Boulder to sit on a small stretch of train tracks at Rocky Flats.
Civil liberties watchdogs concerned by FBI facial recognition program
In July, Sen. Al Franken opened a Senate hearing on the privacy and civil liberties implications of facial recognition technology by affirming some incontrovertible facts. “You can change your password. You can get a new credit card. But you can’t change your fingerprint, and you can’t change your face,” Franken said. “Unless I guess you go to a great, you know, deal of trouble.”
Udall to Holder: ‘Don’t try to protect citizens by lying to...
Colorado U.S. Senator Mark Udall, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has been a champion in the post-9/11 era of the need to balance tough national security measures against concerns for civil liberties and privacy protections. Wednesday he sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder expressing "deep concern" over a plan to rework a key regulation tied to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The new regulation, known as 16.6(f)(2), would allow the government to lie to citizens seeking sensitive information.