The Colorado Independent,2020
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Coffman cites Obama’s tapping of strategic reserves in bill to promote...
What Republican Congressman Cory Gardner hopes to do for offshore oil and gas drilling in Alaska, his fellow Colorado GOP House member Mike Coffman is looking to do for onshore drilling on federal lands across the country -- strip away perceived environmental regulatory hurdles. Coffman dropped his Facilitating American Security Through Energy Resources Act (FASTER) bill on Monday and immediately got blowback from environmental watchdog groups.
Last anti-FASTER bill shot down in committee
Opponents of the last significant anti-FASTER bill still kicking in the State Legislature celebrated its demise in committee on Wednesday. House Bill 1084, sponsored by Republican Kevin Grantham in the Senate and Republican Randy Baumgardner in the House, was killed 3-2 by the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.
FASTER feuding still festers as lawmakers search for short-term solutions to...
While the battle over controversial FASTER vehicle registration fees rages on in the state House, Rep. Millie Hamner, D-Dillon – whose legislative predecessors made a priority of transportation funding – is pushing hard to find solutions for the growing gridlock along the Interstate 70 corridor.
Transportation a backburner issue, but state roads, bridges keep crumbling
With Colorado’s recession-plagued budget crisis as a backdrop, there’s been very little meaningful debate this election season about one of the most critical issues facing the state: how to fund desperately needed repairs for Colorado’s crumbling roads and bridges.
Highway funding fix still a tea party favorite with no solutions...
Given the current political environment and ongoing sluggishness of the economy, there’s been virtually no appetite on either side of the aisle to talk...
Sen. Kopp relishes FASTER’s slow start in funding crumbling bridge repair
In an e-Alert Thursday from -- a blast from the Republican state Senate minority -- Sen. Mike Kopp, R-Littleton, gushed about the lack...
Dem signs on to FASTER reform as CDOT confirms collections lagging
Looks like state Sen. Al White, R-Hayden, will have some bipartisan support in his bid to modify late fees for vehicle registrations this session--...
White plans to tweak FASTER bill this session
Easily one of the most divisive and hotly debated bills passed by the state legislature last session was SB 108, aka FASTER (Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery).
It was a hike in vehicle registration fees meant to raise $250 million a year to fix the 125 bridges around the state deemed structurally deficient, and it has become a rallying cry for Republicans around the state bent on recapturing seats in both the House and Senate next fall.
GOP eyes key state senate seat, blasting FASTER, praising oil and...
Two Republicans have entered the fray to take down a key state senate seat narrowly won by Democrat Gail Schwartz in 2006, as the...
News Nuggets, 26 Wednesday 2009: Doug Lamborn and Josh Penry feel...
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TV NEWS MULLIGAN: Fifth District U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn held a town hall this week that was covered by Colorado Springs'...