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Home Tags Evangelical voters

Tag: Evangelical voters

Latino evangelicals rally to register young voters

Evangelical leaders joined DREAM Act-eligible youth in Florida this week to launch Nuestro Futuro, a campaign to work with church networks and youth leaders to bring Latino evangelical youth to the polls in 2012.

Bad news for McCain in Colorado Springs, Times blogger finds

A New York Times blogger discovers the news is not good for John McCain in Colorado Springs, where a lifelong Republican on the city council says she is abandoning her party's nominee to vote for Barack Obama this year. Further endangering McCain's prospects in Colorado's largest Republican stronghold, the pastor who replaced former GOP heavyweight Ted Haggard leading one of the city's largest mega-churches is staying on the sidelines, urging his flock to vote "for any political party."

Obama gaining some ground among young evangelicals, poll says

Barack Obama is making inroads among white evangelical Christians under 30 — still losing the group to John McCain but by a smaller margin than among older evangelicals — according to a poll released Monday. The Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research Inc. survey also found a clear majority of evangelicals under 30 support civil unions or marriage for same-sex couples.