The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Estonia
Wiretap: Obama channels Reagan in Estonia
It was Barack Obama's Ronald Reagan speech, telling the Estonians that a Russian attack on them was an attack on the U.S., David Frum writes in the Atlantic.
Estonian energy firm wants to site windmills atop oil-shale ash fields
Estonia, a nation ravaged by unchecked oil shale production and its environmental consequences, according to international studies, has finally hit on a greener use...
Our avid Estonian fans weigh in on oil shale development
We’re a hit in Estonia! Or at least The Colorado Independent is drawing hits from the Baltic nation bordering Russia after one of its...
Study: Estonia a stark example of environmental hazards of oil shale
Looking for further evidence that oil shale production is — or at least should be — a nonstarter on Colorado’s Western Slope until oil...